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单词 Andy On 例句大全,用单词Andy On造句:

Go easy on Andy - he's only young.
Andy, come on. Stay with me, Andy.
Andy is working on a business degree.
From then on, his name is Cowboy Andy.
Andy chalks the alphabet on a blackboard.
Andy and drops a letter on the outgoing stack.
Andy Lau himself has yet to comment on the case.
Andy finds the cardboard tube lying on his bunk.
When Andy Lau, a superstar appeared on the stage.
Andy Lau and Yang Lijuan are set to walk into the hall of holy matrimony on July 1.
Andy Durfresne , who crawled through a river of shit and come out on the other side.
安迪, 爬过了那臭屎坑, 然后干干净净的到另一边去了。
Topless lady demons, gaping vaginas on the walls, and shining erect pillars for Andy.
Tilt up from pie to find red munching away as he helps Andy sort books on the shelves.
镜头从馅饼照到大嚼着的瑞德, 他在帮安迪摆放架子上的书。
When Andy Lau, a superstar appeared on the stage, the fans gave him a spontaneous cheer.
当天王巨星刘德华登上舞台时, 歌迷们发出自发的喝彩声。
An adult crow lands on a filing cabinet andback and forth, checking him out. Andy smiles.
一只大乌鸦落在文件柜上来回走着审视着他, 安迪笑了。
In the economists, and Andy Xie Frank Gong point of view before a sharp confrontation on.
在经济学家中, 龚方雄和谢国忠日前的观点就形成鲜明对立。
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