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单词 after image 例句大全,用单词after image造句:

Im after a classy image that promotes my natural products.
以后我一个优雅的形象, 促进我国天然产物。
After that place it beneath the and the like the image below.
after you finish the frame sequence made into a raster image.
之后, 不兵这个帧序列制不败一个光栅图像。
Angry yung man of many tkink of him as graven image after die.
After saving the layered image file, you can flatten the image.
After the blank time, scanning of the image signal is performed.
After the eating binge, neither image generated much of a reaction.
The singer lost her squeakyclean image after the scandal was exposed.
丑闻爆发之后, 这位歌手纯洁的形象被破坏了。
After that, a postprocessing is implemented on the given binary image.
The deviatio n between torch and seam is calculated after image processing.
After that, it uses a skew effect over 10 frames to make the image move a bit.
在那之后, 它在10帧处使用了位移效果使图片稍微移动。
After image grabbing and processing, picked up the profile of the train wheel.
Mustangs are an after image of the west, no better than ghosts, hardly there at all.
而野马就是西部残留影象, 犹如鬼魅, 几乎不见踪影。
The Analysis of the Infrared Image before and after Treatment of Cervical Spondylosis
Before and after the exposure, due to the printing plate color contrast, image legible.
在曝平前后, 由于印版颜色反差浩大, 图像澄辉可辨。
The heat rollers can become torn or warped after a period of time causing an image defect.
Start with a transparent still image, rig it for animation using after effects and animate
After the course of basic signal and system the image signal processing the advanced course.
Image pattern analysis of axon and electrophysiology were done at the 90th day after operation.
Close your eyes and concentrate on the after image this will generate behind your closed eyelids.
Fig. 3 Coronal reconstructed image of anterior part of abdominal cavity after pneumoperitoeography.
After undergoing the pretreatment. the watermark is embedded into the SVD domain of the cover image.
The sight whereof enticeth the fool to lust after it, and he loveth the lifeless figure of a dead image.
不过, 愚人一见这些画像, 就大动情欲, 贪恋这些无灵的死像。
After ink perfusion, the flaps were embedded in paraffin wax and sliced for image analysis of the surface density in the vascular network.
墨汁灌注后软蜡厚蜡切片, 图像分析血管网面密度。
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单词 after image 释义

  • 单词释义:余像,残留图像;更新后图像;后像  [更多..]



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