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单词 Agape love 例句大全,用单词Agape love造句:

Agape, the Love of God
爱德, 上帝的爱
The Bible calls this kind of love agape.
Discuss why agape love is the greatest.. 3.
The relationship of agape and mutual love is dialectic.
But agape is the deepest and most essential kind of love.
The Greeks recognized that there were two sorts of love, eros and agape.
Agape is the happily ever after love, and much more difficult to achieve.
情爱是一种幸福持久的爱, 是更难达到的境界。
I am such a lucky person to experience agape love from God and from my parents.
拥有爱人如己的父母, 是让我最为骄傲的事。
May we learn from our God this spirit of selflessness, this spirit of agape love.
Agape love is the only true love which I will spend my whole life to focus and to try.
因此, 你们的爱也成为我最珍贵的装备, 来应对我今后的生活。
Eros, of course was passion, whereas agape was deep and enduring love, the love of commitment.
Ambiguous be that others asks you that you are agape and tonguetied whether or not in being in love , .
暧昧是, 别人问你们是否在恋爱中, 你张口结舌。
But understanding that eventually faith and hope will be realized, he concluded that agape love is the greatest.
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