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单词 advise with 例句大全,用单词advise with造句:

He has gone to advise with his physician about going to Colorado.
We normally advise the guest to deal with the contractor directly.
Experts advise using two or more control methods to deal with weeds.
Advise control of foods with high amounts of sugars, fats or alcohol.
建议控制高糖, 高脂或高酒精饮食。
We also consult with and advise other members of the healthcare team.
Please advise us at what price your clients will place orders with us.
The experts advise parents to receive training for dealing with autism.
We advise you to pay cautious attention to any trade with the aid company.
Collecting banks are to advise fate in accordance with the following rules.
There fore we advise you not to enter into any business relations with him.
Sometimes, my friends advise me not to tire myself out with such a tight schedule.
有时候, 我得朋友劝我不要轮胎自己, 这样一个时间紧迫。
I would advise you to go shopping with my mother. She has a goog eye for a bargain.
I also advise you to have mushroom with bamboo shoots and famous salt duck with that.
I wouldn't advise you to tangle with my brother. he's the strongest man in the village.
Here I would like to sincerely advise all those still infatuated with the woman, you know
我在这里想真诚的忠告天下那些痴情的女子, 你知道吗?
Doctors advise people with high blood pressure and heart disease to limit on salt they eat.
At present, doctors advise people with high blood glucose levels to lose weight and exercise.
We advise to try it for one year. We can renew it on its expiry if we both are satisfied with it.
我们建议试行一年。倘全都满意, 可在协议期满时续订。
Periodic review with Contractors and advise Greif Management on the progress and development of the construction.
Because of this, the article drafts to sweeting wine hill insurrection is made one preliminary discuss, in order to advise with square home.
有鉴于此, 本文拟对醴陵暴动作一初步探讨, 以就教于方家。
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单词 advise with 释义

  • 单词释义:<美, 旧>和(某人)商量[商议], 从(某处)得到意见  [更多..]



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