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单词 adjustment time 例句大全,用单词adjustment time造句:

Specification adjustment should be in time.
Half time should be used to make adjustment.
Medical Printing Systems Daylight Savings Time Adjustment
The process of repair and adjustment is going to take time.
We often had the time frame wrong for our adjustment processes.
If the Fall line, the adjustment may be appropriate to extend the time.
如果此线失守, 调整的时间可能会适当延长。
In time, each silliness has produced its own backlash and subsequent adjustment.
Rocket next Ji Qiansai 5 days later, Yao Ming also has the enough time adjustment.
It's high time that the government made an adjustment on the export drawback system.
Time to go see the chiropractor again. My back and neck are in need of an adjustment.
The date that order a ticket and book arrangement date to undertake adjustment at any time.
Effect of Trigger Sensitivity Adjustment of Ventilators on the Intubation Time After General Anesthesia
There was not a fixed time frame for the adjustment of government prices or government guidance prices.
At the same time, administrative contract need the adjustment of law as the other administrative actions.
同时, 正如其他行政行为一样行政合同也需纳入法律调整。
Although this policy dynamics surpasses far anticipated, but the cyclical adjustment's time had still not ended.
虽然本次政策力度远超出预期, 但周期调整的时间仍未结束。
The proposal takes soja different yellow ketone to recuperate try, notice psychological adjustment at the same time.
Quantitative wheel base adjustment mechanism can achieve test bench wheel base adjustment arrival location one time.
However, after adjustment for observation time, the age at diagnosis decreased minimally, if at all, with each successive generation.
然而, 在调整了观察时间之后, 诊断年龄下降明显减少。
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