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单词 advertise for 例句大全,用单词advertise for造句:

As for women who are ovulating and dont want to advertise that fact
She is posting the advertise men for our concert on the shop window.
They advertise everything, form ice cream to candidate for the Presidency.
从冰淇淋到总统候选人, 什么都做广告。
We need redoing a advertise activity for the orders are declined recently.
Mary is leaving next month so we must advertise for a replacement for her.
We plan in the nation advertise for 10 best orchestras to combine, 40 dancers.
我们计划在全国招聘10支最好得乐队组合 40名舞蹈演员。
Is a false brain lump, also call false brain lump synthesized to advertise for.
是假性脑瘤, 也叫假脑瘤综合征。
Wed acknowledge it if you could advertise it to us for 1350 yuan per assemblage.
As you can see, people advertise disproportionately high salaries for themselves.
Nasdaq will advertise on the aisle and window tray tables for the next three months.
You'd better advertise for a person to look after the garden while you are on holiday.
Welcome our website, advertise for a national agency dealer now! Free become number of!
欢迎光临我们网站, 现诚征全国代理经销商!免费加盟!
Use professional association Web sites and magazines to advertise for professional staff.
Also read over3000 Home Improvement Article and Advertise your Home Improvement Business for Free.
The driving force of the development of company ought to continuously innovate and widely advertise for expert in art casting.
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单词 advertise for 释义

  • 单词释义:登招请[待聘等]广告;招聘  [更多..]



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