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单词 added value 例句大全,用单词added value造句:

The Confirmation of the Receipts Tax, Sales Tax of the Value Added Tax and Accounting Treatment.
The prices indicated below are in South African Rand and include the applicable Value Added Tax.
Determines whether the column automatically increments the value for new rows added to the table.
确定对于添加到该表得新行, 该列得值是否自动递增。
Any income remaining unused for more than two years would be added to the capital value of the Fund.
A second dot added after the first dot increases the value of the original note by a further quarter.
responsible for the companys bill of value added tax invoice, authentication, and monthly copy to tax.
Refers to amount of the value added tax which should be paid by the enterprises in the reporting period.
With this system the range of the loom weaving is enlarged, then high added value produced can be woven.
扩大了织造范围, 可织造出高附加值的产品。
This will help to highlight the comparative advantage and value added of the United Nations in those phases.
PostMoney Valuation The value of a company after external financing alternatives are added to its balance sheet.
PreMoney Valuation The value of a company before external financing alternatives are added to its balance sheet.
Value added tax and business tax are to be on the move duty, income tax is the tax that imposes according to earning.
Customers services with Winpex innovations, value added delicate services to achieve the total customers satisfaction.
With the improvement in production technology, the added value of the production volume increasesed by a large margin.
In principle, the export performance value should be calculated according the value added part of the exported products.
Refraction and axial length of the added value are related to intraocular pressure changes in the value of a positive correlation.
Average taxpayer sells value added tax when abolishing thing of second hand packing, should hand in how to sell a duty to calculate?
The Business Enterprise Added Value Tax and Income Tax Collects the Process Inside the Packing the Thing Secarity Deposit to Handle Should Problem That Notice
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单词 added value 释义

  • 单词释义:净增值,增值价值  [更多..]



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