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单词 act as 例句大全,用单词act as造句:

act as a fag for older boys, in British public schools.
Why acids can act as acids and bases in aqueous solution ?
I be willing to accept your offer to act as your sale agent.
The packer can act as a downhole valve for pressure control.
Please act as soon as possible on the aforementioned matter.
前面提过的事, 请尽速办理。
I am willing to accept your offer to act as your sales agent.
I must find someone to act as a deputy for me during my absence.
我必须找一个人, 在我离开期间代理我的职务。
Congressmen act as an implement for the people in the government.
Observers can accompany the audit team but do not act as part of it.
The Independent Expert shall act as an expert, not as an arbitrator.
We keep a stock in London and act as distributors as well as agents.
act as tutors without being properly strict, and thus wrong their pupils
为师不严, 误人子弟
We provide the profitable stage, you to act as the actor of accept money.
我们提供赚钱得舞台, 你来充当收钱得演员。
Wait on sb act as a servant for sb, esp by serving food and drink at a meal.
To act as a gobetween or liaison in sexual intrigues function as a procurer.
Second, transfer agency warehouses act as soon as the end of the convertible.
其次, 机构调仓换股行为尽快结束。
The recruiters are female and act as standard bearers for young women academics.
And these changes made the gene not act as well as the normal gene would have acted.
这些变异让基因行为与正常基因相比 效果更弱一些
Act as a liaison of the industry group to internal as well as external counterparts.
We must act as soon as possible because the costs are beginning to bite into our profits.
Abnormal protherombin obvious increased can act as screeing diagnosis for primary hepatoma.
It can also act as an absolute structure, functioning as subordinate clause or circumstantial complement.
In the absence of the Chairman, the Committee shall elect one of its members to act as temporary Chairman.
如主席不能出席会议, 则由另一委员担任临时主席。
The SD acts to make the power supply act as a pure power supply, i. E. Never handling or affecting the signal.
The idea is that he should always continue to act as a neophyte devotee as long as his material body is there.
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单词 act as 释义

  • 单词释义:担当…, 起…的作用;充;充当;为  [更多..]



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