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单词 acting out 例句大全,用单词acting out造句:

Last, Perform each sentence by saying it naturally and acting it out with emotion!
最后, 把每个句子表演出来, 自然地说, 充满感情地演!
Cbreath methods! Last, Perform each sentence by saying it naturally and acting it out with emotion!
最后, 把每个句子表演出来, 自然地说, 布满感情地演!
So much of what is wrong in the world today started out with someone acting on an inappropriate passion.
They dismiss an interesting interaction by saying, you know, thats just happening because theyre acting it out.
他们推辞有趣的互动, 说它的发生是因为有人这样演出。
After all, I didn't major in acting. No tears came out of my eyes in spite of the fact that I blinked for so long.
She hasn’t been acting like herself lately and now all of a sudden she told me she wants some space and that she needs time to figure things out. I guess nice guys really do finish last.
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