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单词 account support 例句大全,用单词account support造句:

The Advisory Committee is concerned by the increases in the support account year after year.
Designed taking into account the operating lever of the fitting and the shaft support, easier to install.
设计上同时考虑操作杆的贴合及传动轴的支撑, 更易于安装。
an effort to give scientific support for the truth of the account of creation given in the Book of Genesis.
A total of18 posts are requested under the support account for the Office of Programme Planning, Budget and Accounts.
For the current financial period, support account funding has been approved by the General Assembly to address that need.
在本财政期间, 大会已为满足这一需求核批了支助账户经费。
On account of the numerous data, we need the support of massive data disposal technology and parallel computing technology.
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