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单词 uncertain 例句大全,用单词uncertain造句:

Whether Walmart can bounce back quickly from the Chongqing debacle is uncertain.
在重庆折戟的沃尔玛能否迅速恢复元气, 目前还不好说。
Analysis of uncertain impact on a chained double explosive accident of LPG tanks
For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?
若吹无定的号声, 谁能豫备打仗呢。
I liked the uncertain relation between the bonsai and the scenery behind the balcony.
Research on Robust Adaptive Backstepping Control for Some Classes of Uncertain Systems
If you invest in that company, you'll burn your fingers; its future is very uncertain.
The supply chain coordination with buyback contract under uncertain demand is studied.
8 For also if the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who will prepare himself for battle
Keep sb in a state of uncertain expectation, treating him alternately cruelly and kindly
对某人时好时坏, 忽冷忽热
6 For also if the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who will prepare himself for battle.
Yet the outcome of Marcus Wallenberg's boldest technology investment is still uncertain.
In uncertain economic times business schools often enjoy something of a popularity boom.
在不确定的经济时期, 商学院通常会大受追捧。
Consistency Constraing and Dissociation of Category Hierarchy in Uncertain Categorization
Under natural conditions, the incubation period in feedlot cattle is uncertain in length.
Because the future was uncertain, he was forced to behave as if he hadnt a acre in the would.
由于前程难以预料, 他只得装成无忧无虑的样子。
Chaotic Synchronization under Uncertain Parameters and Its Application to Secure Communication
All this makes investors, who should be bullish, uncertain about what the near future may bring.
Torn apart by war, its economy virtually destroyed, this country now faces a very uncertain future.
Finite element method for analysing response of viscoelastic structures with uncertain physical parameters
Small, powerless, brief, uncertain before nature, man is plunged into an unreliable and lonely predicament.
人们在等待, 在追求, 却什么也得不到, 无能为力。
You are becoming a little uncertain and apprehensive and this is making you inclined to be overly defensive.
The prognosis of tuberous sclerosis is often uncertain due to the varied presentations and associated lesions.
The announcement provoked a storm of criticism and anxious residents voiced concern over their uncertain future.
Sitosterol when administered in general dose showed uncertain efficacy, and so is used less in clinical settings.
When the E0, a humanoid robot developed by Honda, took its first uncertain step in 1986, it was heralded as a major breakthrough.

单词 uncertain 释义

  • 单词释义:犹豫;多变的;不确定的;未知的;迟疑的  [更多..]



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