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单词 unaffected 例句大全,用单词unaffected造句:

For example, if you have a threebutton mouse, the middle button is unaffected.
When a phoenix tree flower is shedding, its unaffected heart is not withering.
梧桐花落的时候, 它的质朴的心并没有枯萎。
Mosquitoes, which do not see ultraviolet light, were unaffected by the filters.
The other basic material characteristics may be considered as unaffected for design.
Backing up the source database works normally it is unaffected by database snapshots.
The one American industry unaffected by the depression of trade is the beamy industry.
With any unaffected individual Shirley could easily and quickly cement an acquaintance.
The crystal necklace, unaffected and plain, gives people a natural and true impression.
Next, the researchers stimulated both the affected and unaffected limb at the same time.
Simple and unaffected house decoration suits the taste of white and Blue collar workers.
But some children freak out when you speak to them sharply, while others are unaffected.
He is dearly loved by his female fans because of his unaffected and friendly personality.
His language was natural, unaffected, distinctively vivid, humorous and strongly charming.
语言既朴实无华, 又鲜明生动, 幽默而富有艺术魅力。
The operators themselves remain unaffected since the noise is contained in its focused beam.
而当噪音被包含进它的聚集的柱里时, 操作者则不受影响。
An infant feels hunger or discomfort, and is unaffected except by his own physical condition.
The eldest girl, until now, had attempted to appear as unconscious and unaffected as possible.
The one American industry unaffected by the general depression of trade is the beamy industry.
The overall rate of divorce, however, appears to be unaffected by the advent of social networking.
然而, 离婚率的增长速度似乎总是受到社会媒体的影响。
However, he never gave up his yearning for free and unaffected emotion behind his dignified reason.
然而, 在他那凝重的理性背后, 却难以割舍对洒落之情的向往。
The house decoration with an unaffected, plain, natural and true style caters to intellectuals'taste.
You gain the ability to be emotionally and mentally unaffected by what people think or say about you.
She was inconsolable and unaffected by even the philosophical profundities offered by uncle Homayoun.
Unlike quartz crystals, for example, they are unaffected by outside influences, such as temperature changes.
与石英水晶不同, 原子不受外界影响, 如气温变化。
The unhurried way in which he spoke and the gentle smile on his lips reminded you of an unaffected young girl.
However, significant correlation was found with the extent of adaptation and hyperalgesia on the unaffected hand.
然而发现, 健侧手的适应程度和痛觉过敏存在明显的相关性。

单词 unaffected 释义

  • 单词释义:不受影响的;不装扮的,无装饰的;自然的;不矫揉造作的  [更多..]



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