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单词 unable 例句大全,用单词unable造句:

We're sorry, we are temporarily unable to create new customer accounts for samples in China.
Such alcoholic cardiomyopathy weakens the heart so that it is unable to pump blood adequately.
The traditional means of measuring cloud observations have been unable to meet the actual needs.
We are unable to travel on Saturday letter will follow. Unable travel saturday letter following.
我们无法于星期六成行, 详情将函告。
Unable to see the grandpa again, Taro lost the desire to eat. Later the veterinarian adopted him.
再也看不见老爷爷的太郎失去了食欲, 后来由医生领养。
Unable to think in the abstract, his mental capacity never really got beyond that of an adolescent.
由于无法抽象思考, 他的智力从未真正超过一个未成年人。
The issue of an acquittal decision renders the criminal judge unable to deal with the civil action.
If unable to be returned, they shall be delivered to and dealt with by the port drug administration.
Aircraft carriers and their accompanying ships are unable to defend themselves against such a threat.
When they were unable to implicate him in the murder, they accused him of committing three robberies.
In a spot disparity is unable under the aspect which overtakes, Li Shishi dices in 295 admits defeat.
在一点的差距无法追上的局面下, 李世石于295手投子认输。
When people from the north come to Guangdong and Guangxi, they are unable to adapt to the environment.
Dyslexia can also affect a person emotionally. Dyslexic children often think they are unable to learn.
Love is not fantasy but after all, the romantic more unable dingdang meal is come to be adequately fed.
Furthermore, Africa and LDCs have also been unable to mobilize adequate resources for their development.
the condition of being unable to adapt properly to your environment with resulting emotional instability.
The recessive advertisement's huge value is other traditional advertisement is unable to be a worthy opponent.
Women unable to control their bladder and bowel movements are often abandoned or neglected by husbands and family.
Outdoor Advertising has always been show person with the image but quietly silent, so they are unable to interact.
户外广告一直是以形象示人但默默无语, 无法互动。
While my hands are now too freezing to type, my heart is hot, being absolutely unable to withstand thinking of you.
We were each adrift in our own cold, dark sea, unable to help each other, unable to do much but swim for our lives.
Additionally, players will be unable to zerg in Battlegrounds; there will be a limit to the number of players per side.
There will be a considerable advance in price for this article, and you may be unable to take advantage of this price again.
这种物品将大幅涨价, 贵公司可能无法再获得此低价。
During the initial stages of his career, Einstein was ostracised from the academic domain and was unable to find a university position.
爱因斯坦早年曾被他的学术圈所排斥, 找不到大学职位。
But a big drawback, which may irk loyal Mac followers, is that the site is unable to accommodate users with Macintosh-operating systems, allowing them to send but not preview or receive cards.

单词 unable 释义

  • 单词释义:不能…的;无法…的  [更多..]



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