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单词 uncover 例句大全,用单词uncover造句:

An abnormal constriction of the foreskin that prevents it from being drawn back to uncover the glans penis.
You shall not uncover the nakedness of your fathers brother you shall not approach his wife, she is your aunt.
In storage and transportation of the product or drying of paint film, never uncover them in frosty environments.
在储存和运输或在漆膜干燥期间, 不得暴露于霜冻环境。
Information about query wait periods can help uncover contention issues in the system that can affect performance.
Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy fathers brother, thou shalt not approach to his wife she is thine aunt.
An epidemiological investigation of the case was unable to uncover a history of exposure to dead or diseased birds.
But the epistemological problem became a mystery which is not easy to uncover because of the narrow eyesight of the Modern time Philosophy.
Monk sets out to uncover what really happened to the cleaning lady. He interviews a fellow patient who had threatened Dr. Kroger in the past, but the patient has a strong alibi.

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