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单词 turmoil 例句大全,用单词turmoil造句:

But the world will suffer very high prices in2012 owing to geopolitical turmoil.
The chaos, everything is in turmoil, any time from the beginning, do not remember.
The wicked clique undermined the government and the state was thrown into turmoil.
In the turmoil resulting from the collision, the arrested man broke loose and ran off.
在撞车引起的一片混乱中, 那个被捕的人挣脱逃走了。
The regional financial turmoil has resulted in a drastic adjustment of property prices.
In recent weeks, the financial turmoil in Asia has preoccupied the mind of many people.
But in the financial turmoil, on the background of social first step is very important.
Against this background of internal turmoil and external threat lives a legendary queen.
But for weeks, rumors of turmoil and mass resignations at Caijing have circulated online.
The modernization conceives the stability, but modernization process stir up the turmoil.
The current economic turmoil in East Asia has understandably prompted concern in Australia.
澳洲对现时在东亚发生的金融风暴感到关注, 是可以理解的。
At the same time, we have to admit that the first decade of this century evolved in turmoil.
But financial turmoil has also increased the attractiveness of commodities as an asset class.
When he took over the helm in September 2006, the NAACP had been in turmoil for several years.
The Asian financial turmoil has exposed the weaknesses of our rather narrow economic structure.
Net private capital inflows into America seem to have evaporated since the credit turmoil began.
The flip side of relentless mobility is turmoil and angst, broken marriages and unhappy children.
The international financial turmoil has dealt a hard blow to the Chinese newspapers in many places.
国际金融风暴的冲击, 使多处地方的华文报纸都遭遇困难。
Amid the turmoil and tumult of battle, there may be seeming disorder and yet no real disorder at all
纷纷纭纭, 斗乱而不可乱
If we had not upheld the Four Cardinal Principles,the turmoil would not have been brought to an end.
For millions of people, that old fear keeps them awake all night, causing a night of turmoil and worry.
恐惧使成千上万的人彻夜难眠, 忧心忡忡。
In the Central African Republic, general insecurity prevailed amidst political, economic and social turmoil.
Currently, both the hot and cold wars have passed, but the end of turmoil and conflict is not yet to be seen.
In recent months, turmoil and unrest have also threatened to engulf the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
The time from Wei, Jin to Sui and Tang dynasties was the period from the turmoil to the administration in the history of our country.

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