Freuds unconscious is not at all the romantic unconscious of imaginative creation.
The unconscious bias is there, but we just have to look at how we can move past it.
无意识偏见的确存在 只是我们需要想办法克服它
I think writers and artists are all people who have pretty active unconscious minds.
It seeks to investigate reflexes and instincts, automatisms and unconscious reactions.
And, we also believe that stereotypes and unconscious bias contribute to this problem.
The rhetoric we so adore knocks us unconscious, leaves us among the beasts on the paper
In their, Mandy goes to the back of the plane and knocks a flight attendant unconscious.
在飞机上, 曼迪来到了飞机的尾部, 将一名空姐弄晕了。
In the unconscious cases, e.g. of epilepsy, automatism, etc., the same test can be used.
在癫痫, 自动等无意识的情况中, 也可作同样的判断标准。
So may ascending initiates become aware of the unconscious nature of those around oneself.
A police officer was knocked unconscious during the arrest of a man for disorderly conduct.
当在逮捕一位扰乱秩序的男人时, 有一位警察被敲昏了。
It reveals unconscious and habitual attitudes or expectations that may no longer be useful.
One scene showed Seo young looking blankly at her unconscious husband and feeling detached.
Fear can also affect the subconscious and unconscious mind, most notably through nightmares.
An unconscious process that tries to reduce the anxiety associated with instinctive desires.
The physical and the psychic, or unconscious, sides of your nature are successfully blended.
The dissolution of the unconscious releases energy; the mind feels adequate and become quiet.
The aged Sith Lord was able to outmaneuver Kenobi, and knocked the seasoned Jedi unconscious.
The 25yearold Brazilian diver, Marcos Cesar , lay unconscious in a hospital bed on Wednesday.
Krishnamurti It is unconscious, subconscious, it comes of its own accord, involuntarily.
The eldest girl, until now, had attempted to appear as unconscious and unaffected as possible.
Now one of the interesting things around the space of unconscious bias is the topic of quotas.
在无意识偏见领域有一个很有趣的话题 就是选拔问题
In the unconscious of a traveller,Norway evokes a concept of an extreme land,of absolute north.
Patient was feverish and fell unconscious, she must have aspirated some of the contents of her stomach.
The two friends who had not met for a long time were so absorbed in conversation as to be unconscious of the lapse of time.
It was a direct hit. The jug shattered into pieces over the back of his head and he fell to the ground, unconscious and bleeding.
而且他也昏迷不醒的倒在地上, 还流着血。