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单词 unbend 例句大全,用单词unbend造句:

This kind of wire is easy to unbend.
Ah! frown not, sweet lady, unbend your soft brow.
Hands up unbend, fist to outside, outward dozen circle.
双手向上伸直, 拳头向外, 向外打圈。
Put one Chiwen water, sit in bath crock, double leg unbend.
To unbend the arm other muscles in the back of the arm have to shorten.
The seed does not have endosperm, embryo unbend, cotyledon hypertrophy.
He is lying on his back, both hands puts either side, double foot unbend.
And the chest strength unbend two arms with the arm department, supports the body.
用臂部及胸部力量伸直两臂, 将身体支撑起来。
Bipod is apart, be the same as with hip wide, lift on arm unbend, the palm is opposite.
两脚分开, 与胯同宽, 手臂伸直上举, 手掌相对。
He has cerebral palsy and has already had seven operations to unbend his arms and legs.
Hold the position that curves leg calcaneal and press close to of unbend leg photograph next.
When fracture of the wounded lower limbs is secured, limbs wants curved move to show bend ancon unbend to bind.
伤员下肢骨折固定时, 肢体要弯着呈屈肘状伸直捆绑。
Big toe, forefinger blocks a small of the back up, curve ancon arm again, the made leg with unbend becomes 88 degrees.

单词 unbend 释义

  • 单词释义:变直;变得不一本正经;变得随意;松弛  [更多..]



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