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单词 unbearable 例句大全,用单词unbearable造句:

unbearable when you feel thirsty, a glass of water drip into his mouth, not happiness
在你口渴难忍时, 一杯水淌到嘴里, 不是幸福吗?
At night he would lie sleepless on his cot, suffering an almost unbearable frustration.
The most sovereign symptom of love is a tenderness that is, at times, almost unbearable.
The heat was becoming unbearable and under his armpits his shirt was pasted to his body.
He attended his church more frequently and his mourning was nearly unbearable to witness.
changed the huge consumption of energy, water, environmental pressure unbearable situation.
Pain was evaluated using a visual analogue scale where 0 was no pain and 8 was unbearable pain.
But though slightly drunk he was also suffering under some grief that was genuine and unbearable.
After seeing all the dying men whose pains are unbearable. I know death is miserable. He replied.
我见众生死时, 苦痛难忍, 故知死苦。
The ambition protects to see Ti Si an appearance with not ex cringe, unbearable ground of Fen Fen says.
志保看到鹈饲一副畏缩不前的样子, 忍不住忿忿地说。
The heat was unbearable, as it usually was. I was carrying two halfliter bottles of water, one in each hand.
和往常一样, 酷热难挡, 我一手拿着一瓶水。
Life there was lonesome and tedious, the darkness of the stiffening and cold winter night being especially unbearable.
This saint not only put up with an unbearable husband but also developed a suppurating sore on her forehead that made her an outcast even when she ran away to a nunnery.

单词 unbearable 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.无法忍受的,承受不住的  [更多..]



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