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单词 twice 例句大全,用单词twice造句:

Because I'd already done this twice last night and both times I'd had to abort.
In addition, strength training exercises are recommended at least twice a week.
此外, 每周最好进行两次以上的力量训练的练习。
Second, we need to do aerobic exercise at least twice a week, every 40 minutes.
第二, 要每周做有氧运动至少二次, 每次40分钟左右。
We are allied with the taurens? Fantastic! We will be having steak twice a week!
At first a youngster may receive only half an allowance but get it twice a week.
Twice Celia saw them with their heads together, apparently engaged in serious talk.
His temperature was normal when taken twice at the airport and he also looked well.
在飞机上两次测体温他都很正常, 身体状况看上去也不错。
African Americans are twice as likely as Caucasians to suffer from coronary disease.
Temperatures should be checked twice daily and noted on cards accompanying the vaccine.
Gently apply sufficient ointment on the affected area twice a day, morning and evening.
每天早晚各一次, 以足量药膏轻没患处。
The woofers magnet is at least twice as big as those used in ordinary active subwoofers.
Of course, the golden adage of performance optimization applies measure twice, cut once.
To make it without distortion, adhesive binding machine to go through the process twice.
若要使其不变形, 则无线胶订机要经过两次加工。
That the Department of Public Information was twice as large as DPKO was alarming and inappropriate.
Sometimes it was even spinning around twice counterclockwise, once clockwise and peck the key twice.
有时候是逆时针倒转两次 正转一次,然后琢按钮两次
This was an India that was adding more mobile phones per month than New Zeland's population twice over.
这个国家每个月增加的手机数量 是新西兰人口总数两倍
In the official version, by Xinhua News Agency, one man had a handgun and fired twice after an argument.
新华社提供的官方说法是, 一名持男子在争吵后开了两。
At dinnertime I spent fifteen francs for a meal, just about twice the amount I had planned to allot myself.
吃饭时花了十五法郎, 这是我给自己规定的饭钱的大约一倍。
Sight of Love Once a battle this creature seduce an enemy unit, making it to attack itself with twice power.
爱的目光每场战斗一次, 使目标以双倍的力量攻击目标自身。
Everything must be carefully examined before we act, then twice as much can be accomplished with half the effort.
It further emphasized that the school supplies needed to be sent twice a year in accordance with the school calendar.
After twice exam achievement installs certain proportion to increase advantageous position, enroll only outstanding people.
两次考试成绩安一定比例加权后, 择优录取。
The database will be zipped and backed up twice a week and protected against data loss due to any accidental computer problems.
Energy Consumption Analysis of Cleaning Air Conditioner in pharmaceutical Plant for Once Retrieving Air and Twice Retrieving Air
Those who were not active in their leisure time were almost twice as likely to suffer symptoms of depression than the most active individuals.

单词 twice 释义

  • 单词释义:两遍,两次;两倍  [更多..]



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