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单词 umbilical 例句大全,用单词umbilical造句:

Consequently, measurements ofthe abdominal girth at the umbilical level should be made soon after admission.
因此, 周长测量腹脐水平应在作出入院后不久。
Results There was no umbilical hernia occurring in 403 peritoneoscopic appendectomies through the umbilicus.
Clinical Study of Topical Application of Xiaozhang San on Umbilical Area to Treat Ascites of Liver Cirrhosis
An umbilical hernia occurs when part of the intestine protrudes through a weak spot in the abdominal muscles.
Clinical Study of Topical Application of Xiaozhang San on Umbilical Area to Treat Ascites of Liver Cirrhosis.
The effects of freeze drying and irradiation on the allo antigen and tissue structure of human umbilical veins
Effect of mifepristone for induction on the concentration of epidermal growth factor in umbilical venous blood
There was a close correlation between umbilical cord length, the numbers of umbilical cordand cord entanglement.
The referendum will bring Puerto Rico one step closer to cutting the island's umbilical cord to the United States.
Objective To analyze the characters of ultrasound images and the clinical data in fetuses with umbilical cord cysts.
The rates of umbilical cord prolapse and neonatal asphyxia have no obvious difference and statistically significant.
Compliance Change in Human Umbilical Cord Artery of Different from the Fetus being Ages and Its Clinical Significance
Effect of berberine on the adhesion between human umbilical vein endothelial cells and human pulmonary carcinoma cells
Fetal Umbilical Artery Blood Flow Examination and Fetal Well Being in Patients with Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy
Abnormalities of these tests are predictive of fetal infection and umbilical cord compression related to oligohydramnios.
Effect of human umbilical cord blood adherent cells on the expansion of umbilical cord blood hematopoietic cells in vitro
Evodia Rutaecarpa Benth and Plus Powder Mixed up With Mature Vinegar Ap plied to Umbilical Region to Treat Pediatric Diarrhea
In this paper, we discuss the isospectrum of totally umbilical hypersurfaces with totally geodesic hypersurfaces on a sphere.
Effect of constant magnetic fields on the proliferation of human umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stem cells and cellular cycle
Clinical analysis of umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stem cells transplantation for treating multiple system atrophy in one case
abstract Objective To summarize the operative experience and indications of trans umbilical singleport laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Objective To promote umbilical acupuncture and prove that acupuncture can be applied to umbilical region supported by clinical data.
Clinical Analysis on the Relationship between Twin Pregnancy Umbilical Arterial Flow Abnormal Waves and Outcomes of Perinatal Newborns
Before applying umbilical cord returns accept art, should show the fetus first first the ministry is introduced to, prevent umbilical press press.
施行脐带还纳术前, 应先把胎先露部推上, 防止脐带受压。
Its patient much companion has epigastrium to bilge full, pectoral coerce suffering is full, umbilical ministry moves palpitate hyperfunction, the disease such as constipation.
其患者多伴有上腹部胀满, 胸胁苦满, 脐部动悸亢进, 便秘等症。

单词 umbilical 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.脐带的,母系的  [更多..]



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