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单词 zest 例句大全,用单词zest造句:

After last week's defeat, the teams seem now to have recovered some of their zest.
在上周失败之后, 现在这些球队似乎已恢复了部分元气。
Mince the orange peel until very fine. Add the thyme, orange zest and the bay leaf.
将橙皮切成蓉。混合百里香, 橙青和香叶。
The oranges can also be used to create marmalade, and the zest can be used for baking.
True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new.
The lemon zest will sort of split the milk, making a sauce, which absolutely fantastic.
柠檬汁和牛奶混合在一起, 调成酱汁, 非常美妙。
Cream the cream cheese with the sugar, orange zest and the cornstarch. Scrape the bowl.
把芝士, 糖, 橙皮和粟粉放在搅拌桶内搅拌均匀。
Flavours of lemon zest and pear balanced by refreshing, crisp acid and a long, lifted finish.
尾韵绵长, 柠檬与水梨的风味清新, 酸度平衡。
The Bai zest for business in even more obvious at the great market day scenes in Dali, Wase and Shaping.
Waldo, Macaos first boutique hotel, offers you a wide range of ways to find both zest and zen during your stay.
华都, 澳门的顶级精品酒店, 提供了让您留恋于此的多种选择

单词 zest 释义

  • 单词释义:兴趣,热情;风味,滋味;风趣;热功率热核反应装置  [更多..]



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