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单词 yourself 例句大全,用单词yourself造句:

Its wrong of you to abandon yourself to such a kind of amusement.
Believe in yourself, know yourself, deny yourself, and be humble.
Empower yourself, and the dark parts of you begin to abandon ship.
一脚踏两船的风, 最后决定舍弃蚊, 选择跟敏重新开始。
Hear it, accept it, don't beat yourself up over it and get moving.
听取它, 接受它, 不要苛责自己, 并继续前进。
And if you find yourself comparing yourself to other people, stop.
如果你发现自己正在拿自己和别人比较, 打住。
Decide to lighten up on yourself and call yourself something else.
下决心让自己放松, 以别的方式介绍自己。
Help yourself to. Make yourself at home, help yourself to some steak.
不要客气, 请吃点牛排。
Now, not being able to see meant, of course, that you taught yourself.
而眼睛看不见 意味着你必须自学
Absolve you to yourself, and you shall have the suffrage of the world.
解脱自己, 相信自我, 那么你也就必然得到世人的认可。
This is a great way to energize yourself and give yourself more power!
With packet filtering, you have access to deliver the package yourself.
使用包过滤时, 你自己来送交此小数据包。
Be proud of who you are, but don't lose the ability to laugh at yourself.
为自己感到骄傲, 但是别忘了适当的自嘲。
There's absolutely nothing wrong in modelling yourself on an older woman.
So what you do otis is abundance importance than what you do for yourself.
Deck yourself with majesty and dignity, clothe yourself with and splendor.
Get to know yourself, conquer youself, change yourself, then change others.
认识自己, 降伏自己, 改变自己, 才能改变别人。
Tell me the truth. Don't dig yourself any deeper. Physician, heal yourself.
告诉我真相, 别再越陷越深了, 救救你自己吧。
Give yourself the gift of quietness to contemplate, calm down, and yourself.
让自己有时间安静下来, 镇定下来, 把注意力集中在自己身上。
Learn about yourself and about love with reviews about your seduction skills.
In that case you can write yourself a cash check and draw money for yourself.
Hug yourself by putting your arms across your chest, smile and love yourself.
You do more, under the pretext of unmasking yourself, you calumniate yourself.
尤其是, 借口说您要暴露自己, 您其实是在诽谤自己, 这真可怕。
Take yourself out of your shoes, put yourself into the shoes of another person.
从你自己的立场走出 从别人的立场看问题
When you are happy about yourself you won't need to fill yourself up with food.
Blame yourself as you would blame others; excuse others as you would excuse yourself.

单词 yourself 释义

  • 单词释义:你自己;(用以加强语气)亲自;你的正常或健康的情况  [更多..]



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