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单词 zoom 例句大全,用单词zoom造句:

Allocation of zoom speeds to the zoom lever in this case is illustrated in fig.5.
As we rode, I used the zoom lens on my camera to scan the crest of a hill above us.
行进中, 我通过相机上的变焦镜头扫视我们上方的山峰。
Zoom in a row, that is only one focus can randomly set the appropriate magnification.
The cameras could zoom in upon these creatures and it was reported in the local news.
有摄相机放大拍摄了这些生物, 放在当地新闻中报道。
Users can simply click on the thumbnail image to zoom in on a larger, clearer picture.
用户只要在缩略图上单击, 就能得到一张清晰的大图。
A modularized design method for a zoom lens with mechanical compensation is presented.
The sedan system has zoom in, zoom out, in addition to the shadows and other functions.
Disclosed is freely varifocal glasses, which comprises zoom lenses and a focusing device.
自由变焦眼镜, 是由可变焦镜片和调焦装置构成。
Delete the mirrored side of the mesh and zoom in the half windscreen as much as possible.
Thereafter, the zoom control is performed according to the determined zoom magnification.
Well, let's click the zoom lens down one order of magnitude and look at the century scale.
现在,让我们放大一格 来观察下以世纪为单位的数据
When using the standard digital zoom, though, these artifacts are not all that discernible.
Then zoom out of the Top viewport so you can see the entire cannon and the distant horizon.
Design of Guide Rail for the Variable Magnification Unit and Compensation Unit in Zoom Lens
This provides a set of pixel coordinates corresponding to what the new zoom level should be.
Your camcorder should have these basic functions: auto focus, playback facility and zoom lens.
The camera connection for the second camera do not provide power or pan, tilt and zoom control.
Optionally, click the Zoom icons to shorten or lengthen the analysis period displayed on the chart.
It loads the film, has a zoom lens with autofocus, autoflash, and winds the film back when finished.
European and North American maps are extremely detailed and youre able to zoom down to street level.
The speed and zoom volume of international trouble travel have increased to an astonishing astonishing degree.
Now zoom forward to our present time and think of our pre-Internet communications systems as sorts of protozoa.
As the absolute value of the numerical value is larger, the zoom speeds to the respective directions are higher.
A kind of assistant software for helping build and design optical zoom system with two moving groups lens was introduced.
Moreover, corresponding to the image modification, it is implemented by using the functions provided in Delphi to enlarge and dwindle, and it can zoom in, zoom out and removing color from the image.

单词 zoom 释义

  • 单词释义:嗡嗡作响;急速上升  [更多..]



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