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单词 yawn 例句大全,用单词yawn造句:

The alarm did go off but all I did was yawn, turn over and go back to sleep.
The dog in our yard awakes with a yawn,and yaps and yelps at the yellow moon.
Also, we know that people who have a lot of yawn contagion are highly empathic.
我们对打哈欠传染 有很高的共识。
Aged people yawn less than younger ones, mainly during morning and midafternoon.
主要在早上和中午, 老人比年轻人打的呵欠少。
After like bamboo fan, oral disease and oral cavity surgery, or cannot the yawn.
如竹迷, 口腔疾病及口腔手术后或不能张口者。
They finally arrive the cave, there had very many meats, the wolf yawn has eaten.
它们终于来到地窖, 那里有很多肉, 狼张口就吃了起来。
The mouth sends a yawn one piece, also be born between the waist immediately lazy.
And that individuals can use the entire capacity of the times out loud yawn throughout the abyss of time one along the 13 century.

单词 yawn 释义

  • 单词释义:打呵欠;张开,裂开;<文学>张开大口  [更多..]



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