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单词 xylem 例句大全,用单词xylem造句:

Effects of potassium addition and water supply on xylem embolism in Acer truncatum and Ligustrum lucidum
A Comparative Study on the Structures of the Stem Secondary Xylem of Sorbus Pohuashanensisand S. Alnifoila
Effects of Enhanced Ammonium Nutrition on Composition and Content of Tomato Xylem Sap in Two Growing Stages
The secondary xylem of tuberous root is well developed, and there is supernumerary cambium around the vessels.
Programmed cell death during the vessel element differentiation of the secondary xylem in Eucommia ulmoides shoots
Summertime bud grafting can be cut take shoot piece, or take xylem shoot less piece, in stock bine dry place decorticates.
Secondary Xylem Anatomic Characteristics of Dominant Plant Species in Three Communities in Xiangshan Mountain, Huaibei, China
A preliminary report on the experiment of notch grafting and seeding cultivation technique of single buds with xylem in spring persimmons
The Casparian strip is not obvious in the endodermis. It has actinostele, and primary xylem is diarch. The secondary structure of root of A. trifoliata includes periderm and secondary vascular tissue from the outer to the inner.
内皮层有凯氏带, 星状中柱, 初生根二原型。

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