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单词 yielding 例句大全,用单词yielding造句:

The hardness and density of high yielding soils were lower than those of the control plot soils.
He said he would give up smoking, but he ended up yielding to the temptation and took a cigarette.
他说他要戒烟, 但终究还是经不起诱惑, 又抽上了。
Field Test Study on Salt Water Irrigation Systems in the High Yielding Cultivation of Winter Wheat
If you take this to mean our yielding to the landlords and abandoning of land reform,you are mistaken.
Sapling Test of Filial Generation and Family Selection of High Seed Yielding Clones of Pinus armandii.
Temptation is the devil looking through the keyhole. Yielding is opening the door and inviting him in.
诱惑就是钻出瓶子的恶魔。屈服正打开门, 邀请他
Studies on the Optimum Number of Kernel Ear and Fundamental Seedling of Yumai No. 18 for High Yielding
EcologicallyAdverse Resistant and High Yielding Cultivation Techniquefor the Corn in the Ravined Valley
An aquifer is a geological formation capable of yielding useful groundwater supplies to wells and springs.
Mathematical Model and Optimum Formula of High Yielding Cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus with Wheat Straw
In vitro Culture and Highly Efficient Plant Regeneration System of High Yielding Variety of Schisandra chinensis
Pushing the Crossover Style Development of Zhangzhou Forestry with Building Fast Growing and High Yielding Forests
建设速丰林, 推进漳州林业跨越式发展
Parental characters and techniques for high yielding hybrid seed production of hybrid combination Peiza 266 in rice
Almond trees having white blossoms and poisonous nuts yielding an oil used for flavoring and for medicinal purposes.
开白花的一种杏树, 坚果有毒, 分泌的油脂作烹调用和医用。
Propriety is not apart from yielding yielding must accord with propriety. The two complement and benefit one another.
The utility model can be connected with the publicly known95 type oil press in series with a better oil yielding effect.
Ma Wei, Wu Ziwang, Zhang Changqing. Strength and yielding criteria of frozen soil. Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology
On the contrary, if when the hydrocarbon yielding is known, it is possible to deduce the heating history it experienced.
反过来, 若已知镜质体的生烃率, 应可反推其受热史。
Analysis of high yielding ability, yield stability and ecological adaptability of a new hybrid rice combination, Youyou122
A Study of Yielding the Diazonium Salt on Mixing Basic and Acidic Waste Water Formed in the Manufacture of Trinitrotoluene
Growing cucumber in plastic shed in spring is an important cultural method for attaining to early maturing and high yielding.
Selection and breeding of high yield and early mature peanut variety Xinghua No.2 And its high yielding cultivation techniques
Techniques of early bearing, high yielding and ecological culture for pear with prematurity and high quality in the north of Zhejiang
That evening Hsinmei, Hungchien, and Miss Sun made a polite pretense of yielding to each other for a while over who was to sleep on the bamboo cot.
The Fist Report of the Observation of the Characteristics and Habits of the Young Tree of the Honeyed Celestial Fruits Growing and Yielding Positive Results

单词 yielding 释义

  • 单词释义:柔软的;易弯曲的;顺从的;服从的  [更多..]



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