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单词 zealous 例句大全,用单词zealous造句:

without their zealous efforts, the project would not have come to fruition.
Such as I love, I rebuke and chastise. Be zealous therefore, and do penance.
Gung ho means to be very aggressive, enthusiastic or zealous about something.
意思是非常热情, 很有闯劲。
The children made zealous efforts to clean up the house for the Christmas party.
Hongjin Mould zealous welcome home and abroad new old customer visit our factory.
The British prime minister, never a zealous European, objected to the tunnel plan.
Rev.319 As many as I love I rebuke and discipline be zealous therefore and repent.
The children made zealous of efforts to clean up the house for the christmas party.
孩子们为了圣诞宴会, 热心努力的打扫屋子
The more zealous converts are relieved to be free of Mr. Browns policy of restraint.
The doctors were zealous in their efforts to ensure the survival of premature babies.
The zealous members of Feiyang expect sincere cooperation with merchants of all circles.
Conquer evil men by your gentle kindness, and make zealous men wonder at your goodness.
Nerves are also jangling at the zealous behaviour of the justice minister, Zbigniew Ziobro.
Especially important is that the PRC is zealous to promote the development of Shanghai Five.
在此一过程中, 中共明显发挥了乐观其成的推进角色
His early begins to contact a network, very zealous to technology of network process designing.
他很早就开始接触网络, 对网络编程技术颇为热衷。
It was thanks to a zealous member of the public that the bomb was discovered before it went off.
多亏了公众中的一名热心者, 炸弹在爆炸前被发现了。
The Olympic can be a modern ethic with the harmonious, free, healthy and zealous characteristics.
奥林匹克是一种和谐, 自由, 健康, 积极的现代伦理。
Bonaventure, learned and zealous religious, devoted all his energy to the government of the order.
PenGo devotes to promote the 4E management theory, Its our religious faith and zealous enterprise.
协助企业打造和谐, 平稳, 上进, 积极的员工工作环境!
And whatever you will do , whichever direction you tend to take ,i am one of your zealous follower.
Its figure looks like a cheering gesture, also stretching arms preparing for a zealous inarm even more.
So also you, since you are zealous of spirits, seek that you may excel for the building up of the church.
For his part, Lord Mandelson is a more zealous believer in publicservice reform than the prime minister has seemed.
就曼德尔森而言, 他似乎比首相还热衷于公共服务改革。
The zealous welcome general customers attempt the incoming sample exchange cooperation, altogether to develop the development!
Person who can be expert in how to balance between work and play and two sides all keep zealous is the best happy one in the world

单词 zealous 释义



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