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单词 worry 例句大全,用单词worry造句:

Hominid their children, not to worry maid abuse, neglect of school discipline.
But lady Liu told him to take ah Dou back to Liu Bei and not to worry about her.
The Worry about the Quality of the Files during Administration Enforcing the Laws
Do not worry, the party and the government will help you, will resume agriculture.
你们不要担心, 党和政府会帮助你们, 会恢复农业。
Don't worry too much about your achievements, otherwise you will feel great pressure.
The admission shows the depth of worry among the Tories over the state of the economy.
With affiliate marketing, you won't need to worry about the products you have to sell.
Do not worry, a little folding cartons on admission can help you organize a messy home.
Smart people aren't confused, Empathetic people don't worry, Brave people aren't afraid.
Are basically within the warranty period so do not worry about damage to aging appliances.
There are no more carburetors to adjust so we don't have to worry about that anymore either.
How much I worry, worry about their own sometimes crass to say the opposite of the sentence.
Don't worry, I won't be hitting the absinthe or the mugwort to try to induce the visions tonight.
Don't worry about not knowing much about the goods; just compare and you will see which is better.
People with a lot of negative affectivity often express worry and appear to be helpless and insecure.
Han Peng and seriously wounded after another, so that the people of Taishan's aggressive worry about.
I worry about my fingers, and, of course, there would be the aftermath of dealing with the dead mouse.
Ah Mui has never left her home since Gor Gors death, and people always worry about her emotional condition.
WITH the euro crisis in abeyance, high oil prices have become the latest source of worry for the world economy.
In my basket, there are so many fish that the addition of one cockroach wont worry me. You neednt worry, either!
我这篮子里那么多的鱼, 多一个我也不怕, 你也不用怕啦!
Worry and Fear Bug Those problems make people worry about the credit ability of power system dynamic simulation.
Do people travelling far away not miss their parents? Yet parents at home worry more about their absent children.
岂无远道思亲泪, 不及高堂念子心。
I prefer a package tour, and we dont have to worry about accommodation, meals or that sort of trivial demanding things.
我喜欢一揽子旅游, 不用操心住宿, 吃饭等费神的小事。
This recumbent had established the acting industry company that enjoy the cool greatly, as before cannot have nothing worry about.
Some airlines worry that offering a bed in business moves too close to the territory of first class where the biggest profit margins lie.

单词 worry 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)担心,发愁;烦扰;攻击  [更多..]



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