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单词 worst 例句大全,用单词worst造句:

In the worst kind of seasonal affective disorder, lithium is used as a therapy.
在最糟糕的季节性情感失调症中, 锂可作治疗用。
Well, it's just taught me to be cynical and expect the absolute worst from people.
Whatever work we do, we must envisage the worst possibilities and plan accordingly.
不论任何工作, 我们都要从最坏的可能性来想, 来部署。
If worst came to worst, he could make a clean breast of it to Butler and receive aid.
The second advantage of a currency option is that the customer has a known worst case.
期权交易的第二个优点就是, 客户对最坏的情况心中有数。
The Horn of Africa in eastern Africa has been afflicted by the worst drought in60 years.
All my worst designs have been created when I agreed to work with unrealistic deadlines.
The worst Christmas, the worst Birthdays, New Years Eves brought in by tears and valium.
Hunan's Huanghua Airport has been closed since Friday in the worst cold snap in a decade.
The worst thing a parent can do for a child, the experts agreed, is send a bodyguard to class.
in your worst Irish accent and then smack the glass out of her hand so it smashes on the floor.
The following day, a White House adviser described the spill as the worst in America's history.
The United Nations and International aid agencies say women are among the worst victims of war.
Experimental research on the worst point effect of hydraulic concrete alkali aggregate reaction
Money and adulation are rightly due to high achievers but the very worst garner recognition too.
But everybody agreed to play a game where the worst sketch artist bought the next round of drinks.
大家同意玩个游戏 画得最差的要付下一巡酒钱。
Better to believe the worst, and be pleasantly surprised, than to be optimistic and learn the worst
Think carefully about each option so that,if the worst comes to the worst,you will be prepared.
Tragedy of the commons is the worst incentive problem provoked by ambiguously defined property rights.
Of all the signs in the zodiac, alcohol has the worst and most immediate effects on Scorpios looks and skin.
The people most closely affected are the passengers who were injured and, worst of all, those who lost relatives.
Li alloy plasticity and toughness are the worst, and fracture surface presents brittleness fracture characteristic.
裂纹源位于试样表面, 断口有疲劳纹存在, 是典型的疲劳破坏。
The advantages of the glass bottle and the plastic bottle complement each other,even if the worst comes to the worst.
The worst country for adding labelling rules on top of EU ones, says Nick Soper of the Scotch Whisky Association, is Britain.
除了欧盟之外, 英国增设的各种标签规则是最差劲的。
The way of covering in the whole orchard affected fruit tree growth badly, and had the lowest output and worst quality of fruit.
全园覆盖严重影响果树生长, 其果实产量最低, 品质最差

单词 worst 释义

  • 单词释义:最差的;最严重的;最令人不满的;最糟的  [更多..]



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