He combined curious qualities of naivety with incisive wit and worldly sophistication.
He was different from anyone I had known, very worldly, everything that Dermot was not.
A person who wants to be Godly and contented will resist this desire for worldly things.
My entire worldly wealth was swallowed up, and I resigned myself thenceforward to despair.
Fairies descending to earth and worldly pleasure, play through life world of fun and frolic
I was afraid of the bias of those worldly maxims, which she has been too much used to hear.
The mountain rises far above worldly concerns and remains unshaken by the winds of emotion.
This dissertation concretely analyzes the trend concerning worldly affairs by three aspects.
I will surely be bonded by those worldly affairs, which might make me tired and in bad shape.
这些俗事必定把我的时间绑死, 令我累的焦头烂额。
Blue distant place mountain, blue vicinity sea, blue marine sky, blue vulgar worldly thoughts.
External wealth is comprised of worldly possessions whereas internal wealth concerns our body.
外财是身外之物, 内财就是身体。
Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary.
原来前约有礼拜的条例, 和属世界的圣幕。
The Influence of the Worldly Financial Crisis upon Russian Mining Industry and Russia's Tactics
While worldly matters take their turn; ancient matters appear both in the present and in the past.
In order to be able to work without disturbance, he often tries to escape worldly bustle and excitement.
为了不受干扰地工作, 常常要逃避世俗的热闹
During the long years, people of the village have lived a peaceful life and stood aloof from worldly strife.
在漫长的岁月里, 人们过着与世无争的平静生活。
Worldly punishment, award, righteousness and benevolence are very shallow and out of the standard of Nature.
世俗的赏罚, 仁义等都是极其肤浅, 而又不符自然深义的标准。
In Han dynasty, fencing was more favored by the court and the commonalty and many people were worldly renowned.
Our actions keeps us bound to the continuous cycle of worldly existence, to the endless round of birth and death.
Cindy is so worldly-wise that she handled various troubles when she was the personal assistant of that picky boss.
Competition for Marriage in Martial SkillsAn Anthropological Mo롴鉖with Chivalrous Spirit and the Worldly Rule.
Another name for live prawn is swallowtail shrimp, with origin from Antarctica, is worldly famous for its sweet and crisp taste.
明虾又名凤尾虾, 原产地南极, 以甜美香脆闻名于世。
to say as little as possible while knowing perfectly well what is wrong, to be worldly wise and play safe and seek only to avoid blame.
The very greatest men have been among the least believers in the power of genius, and as worldly wise and persevering as successful men of the commoner sort.
Read more to make yourself to be more confident. When you have the virtue of being able to love and forgive people and things due to your understanding of worldly wisdom, you will possess calm, graceful, and elegant demeanor.