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单词 widow 例句大全,用单词widow造句:

Before long, his widow and children were in rags, begging on the streets.
Mrs. Brown, whose house we have rented for our vacation, is a rich widow.
Madame von Meck was a widow with a brood of children and a wealthy estate.
It appeared that he, too, had for some time adored a widow from a distance.
She could barely survive on the pittance she received as a widow's pension.
Life must be hard for the widow and her child. We should help them more often.
A noblewoman who holds the rank of baron or who is the wife or widow of a baron.
A wife or widow of an archduke or a princess of the former ruling house of Austria.
The woman offered written affidavits proving that she was the widow of Pancho Villa.
Cursed is the man who withholds justice from the alien, the fatherless or the widow.
One of his first acts as king was to marry his brother's widow, Catherine of Aragon.
The Lord tears down the proud man's house but he keeps the widow's boundaries intact.
and a widow in that city kept coming to him and saying, Vindicate me against my adversary.
My aunt has been a widow for ten years, ever since uncle went to the happy hunting ground.
Felipe Montero is employed in the house of an aged widow to edit her deceased husbands memoirs.
Beijing's neighbors have a widow of orphans, was just seven or eight years old, bounce to help him.
邻居京城氏的寡妇有个孤儿, 刚七八岁, 蹦蹦跳跳地去帮助他。
According to Li, Miss Sun should share a room with the widow while Ah Fu slept in a room by himself.
This rickshaw attracted attention when he pulled it out and some people even called it the little widow.
拉出这辆车去, 大家都特别注意, 有人竟自管它叫作小寡妇。
'Alas ! ' said a widow, speaking of her brilliant but careless son,' he has not the gift of continuance.'
A day, he requests an emperor to establish a duteous memorial archway for his widow elder brother's wife.
一天, 他请求皇帝为他寡妇嫂子树立一座贞节牌坊。
But next time the golden Goose appeared to leave a feather for his daughters, the widow was at home alone.
可是, 金鹅再次来给女儿们金羽毛时, 只有寡妇一个人在家。
The widow, laughing scornfully, in triumph, flung forth a few curses, then pulled Ah Fu back into her room.
The east bank of the Widow's Wash, from Crossbow Ridge to Rutting Meadow, and all the islands in the stream.
寡妇河东岸, 从十字弓山到车辙草甸, 还有小河里所有的岛。
Gentleman disappears, when the network enters an innumberable families, sweep a widow of one caboodle network.
She was a widow without any children, living barely from hand to mouth by picking odds and ends from rubbish heaps.
她没有孩子, 是一个寡妇, 靠在附近捡零碎的破烂儿勉强过活。

单词 widow 释义

  • 单词释义:寡妇;遗孀;[牌]放在一边的几张牌;[印]未排足的行  [更多..]



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