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单词 wine 例句大全,用单词wine造句:

Study on the Use of Angel Fruit Wine Yeast in the Production of Icy Apple Fruit Wine
Say, the Qin Dynasty drank one morsel wine among cup, then put wine cup on the table.
When drinking sequence of new wine and light wine should be tasted firstly is a rule.
Although, to be labelled as French wine all the wine the bottle must come from France.
但是若要标明是法国酒, 酒必须是在法国酿造的。
Many Pinot makers believe that pumping the wine can exert too much stress on the wine.
Application of Angel Brand Grape Wine Active Dry Yeast in the Production of Jujube Wine
Should better not drink highly the liquor, may amount drink wine, the wine or the beer.
Effects of coagulant aids and ultra filtration on the abiological stability of rice wine
Chateau La Lagune for the French Bordeaux grape wine in the third level of wine village.
Although a superb wine as it is, it may also be considered as a great wine for cellaring.
尽管口感极好, 此酒仍有很强的陈年能力。
Screening and Identification of Milk Wine Yeast and Development of Distillation Milk Wine
To prevail wine utensil, it reflects that people is addicted to wine in Late Shang Period.
The wine show in China Connoisseur, teaching ordinary people how to appreciate grape wine.
葡萄酒鉴赏家以娱乐, 轻松的方式教普通人如何欣赏葡萄酒。
If you like wine,we can get shrimp boiled in a wine soup that will knock you off you feet.
Study on the Impact of Shaoxing Yellow Rice Wine on the Learning and Memory Ability of Rats
Frederick opened a bottle of red wine that had been aging in his wine cellar for ten years.
This wine has a mellow and pure taste, so it must be an old wine from the family collection.
这杯酒味道纯厚, 肯定是家藏的陈酿。
Learn how ice dessert wine is made in this free wine video about the world of dessert wines.
The wine cask meets the structural requirement of the distribution faucet of the bagged wine.
He held a bowl filled with wine and walked to the seaside. He splashed the wine into the sea.
The Boom of Wine Industry in Rong Zhou in Song Dynasty and the Development of the Wine Culture
You can give the hose a bottle of wine as a gift only when you know that the host drinks wine.
只有在知道主人喝酒的情况下, 你才能送他一瓶酒。
Three Glasses of Sparkling Wine or House Wine And Fresh Prawns with Artichoke in Avocado Salad.
German wine exporting company is looking for chine The market demand of wine increase in China.
The beer, the grape wine, the yellow wine, the clear wine all belongs to the fermented alcohol.

单词 wine 释义

  • 单词释义:葡萄酒;果酒;紫红色,深红色  [更多..]



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