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单词 windy 例句大全,用单词windy造句:

The kind finder found a blind man behind the windy window of mind.
But it's windy up there, and mistakes can cost you a bunch of floors!
但是它是多风的在那里上面, 和错误能费用你一束地板!
What's the weather like in Guangzhou in autumn, Zhang Hua ?It's windy.
广州的秋天天气怎么样, 张华?刮风。
Windy was an orphan who was abandoned by her parents when she was born.
风儿是个孤儿, 刚出生就被父母遗弃。
Bust its also a very windy time. Sandstorm is nothing new to Beijingers.
It was so windy that the branches were scraping against the window panes.
The touchdown happened a little late because of cloudy and windy weather.
Into the dry and windy autumn, it must be nursed back to health over hair.
If its windy, be sure to protect your camera and lenses from blowing sand.
如果刮风的话, 要注意保护相机和镜头。
Warm, humid and windy, Green Island is characterized by its marine climate.
Be careful when you go outside today, it is very windy, and snowing heavily.
今天风紧雪大, 出行请注意安全。
Windy Do you know my old bastard has a twinkie How could that possibly be true.
It is apt to get either cloudy or windy when the cherry blossom are in full bloom.
在樱花完全绽放的时候, 经常容易遇到阴天或多风天。
Keelung is a rainy harbor. Hsinchu is a windy city, and Tainan is a historic city.
The possible young heart to be too soft after does not get windy, after not uprise.
The moon tonight is a little hazy, my grandmother calls it a sign of windy weather.
今晚的月亮有些模糊, 奶奶说那是风晕。
When camping in woodland, avoid standing dead trees, which may fall on a windy night.
He said the aircraft crashed because of very windy conditions it encountered near landing.
他说, 飞机是在将要着陆时遇到强风而失事的。
Having a seafood dinner on deck along beach, enjoying a windy and peaceful night at Balai.
Its that blurry, chilly, windy cruise along the Li river with the hazy mountain ranges as backdrop!
Because it is cold and windy on the summit the mountain, all the tiles were made of iron or bronze.
Scarce and snow in winter, windy spring drought, rainfall concentrated in summer and autumn, autumn.
冬季雨雪稀少, 春季干旱多风, 夏季雨量集中, 秋季秋高气爽。
Many the United States! All of autumns are a windy season. You can many season of stick in the breeze!
so you could make a picnic sheet that wraps around the table, so that way on a windy day it wouldn't blow away.
That night it grew very windy, and the next day a light rain fell, followed by a heavy downpour which continued without letup into the afternoon.

单词 windy 释义

  • 单词释义:有风的;腹胀的;吹牛的;空谈的  [更多..]



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