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单词 witch 例句大全,用单词witch造句:

Folks living in the town nearby called her Bloody Mary, and said she was a witch.
An astringent alcoholic solution containing an extract from the witch hazel plant.
However, the witch beliefs do not vanish in the times of political disenchantment.
Main ingredients ginseng extract, witch hazel , ganoderma, crystal active gold etc.
Physcians without the advantage of science would be little more than witch doctors.
For instance, a Barbarian will never see a dagger that only a Witch Doctor can use.
比如, 一个野蛮人不会看到只有巫医才能使用的匕首掉落。
Main compositions Witch hazel, Sage extract, lactic peppermint enzyme, Aloe extract.
主要成份金缕梅, 鼠尾草精华, 乳酸薄荷酶, 芦荟提取液。
And yellow leaves of autumn, witch have no songs flutter and fall there with assign.
Sometimes a black cat would ride away into the sky on the back of the witch's broom.
But all you sons of a witch, come here, you offspring of the whore and the adulterer.
This Witch's Broom actually spans over three times the angular size of the full Moon.
Main Compositions lacticpeppermint, lavendar essence, witch hazel, modified allantois.
主要成份乳酸薄荷脂, 熏衣草精华, 金缕梅, 改性尿囊。
Edmund saw the witch bite her lips so that a drop of blood appeared on her white cheek.
Main compositions Witch hazel, bear gallbladders, aloe extract, gastrodia elata extract.
主要成份金缕梅精华, 熊胆素, 芦荟提取液, 天麻提取液。
Pour water and witch hazel into a saucepan and bring it to a full boil over medium heat.
向平底锅中加入水和金缕梅, 中火煮至完全沸腾。
Abracadabra.Hocus Pocus.The witch makes a magic potion.The witch flies on a magic broom.
Witch hazel,eyebright and aloe vera tone and tighten the skin,while rose is rejuvenating.
Witch hazel, eyebright and aloe vera tone and tighten the skin, while rose is rejuvenating.
Sorcerer and witch doctor, grigri and juju, are still an integral part of the African pattern.
In Africa, witch are consulted not only for healing diseases, but also placing curses on rivals.
在非洲, 巫医不仅治病, 还帮助人们诅咒敌人。
Gently astringent witch hazel to help refine the skin and tighten pores for a more even skin tone
The princess was waiting for a prince to awaken her from the spell the wicked witch had cast on her.
There's no good lesson to learn here, says John Pierson, whose cable show helped get Blair Witch rolling.
People involved with Blair Witch realize that the amazing success of this film does not ensure a similar success in the future.
A Review of the Study of the Witch Belief and the Nature Worshipping in the Dynasties of the Wei, the Wei, the Jing, the Southern and the Northern in Recent Thirty Years

单词 witch 释义

  • 单词释义:女巫,巫婆;<贬>讨人嫌的丑女人;迫害的对象  [更多..]



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