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单词 wiser 例句大全,用单词wiser造句:

In the countryside, the land reform continued at a wiser and less brutal tempo.
准备工作做得十分周到, 而且并不仅限于军事方面。
We taught our children to be wiser before instead of being wise after the event.
Constantly taking this product will make you younger, wiser and even outstanding.
常饮本晶, 驻颜益智, 令您超群出众。
The complete failure of his foolish investment in land left him sadder but wiser.
So play it cool and stay dopey, said a voice which was my worst, if wiser, self.
The brewers are still none the wiser about the shape the Government envisages for the industry.
And counterintuitively you become wiser about the future because you saw its seeds being sown in the past.
并且, 由于你看到未来的种子播撒在过去, 反而更加明察未来。
A man should never be ashamed to own that he has been in the wrong, which is but saying. That he is wiser today than yesterday.
All eight members of the band?? including his wife, guitarist and backup singer Patti Scialfa?? are back, older, wiser and, in virtually every case, better.
Sometimes a fool is able to give good advice to a person much wiser than himself because of some special knowledge he has. It implies that one should not ignore advice no matter from whom it comes.
愚者千率, 必有一得。

单词 wiser 释义

  • 单词释义:聪明的,贤明的;人聪明的( wise的比较级 );英明的;明察善断的;(行动和行为) 明智的  [更多..]



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