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单词 why 例句大全,用单词why造句:

Why must we dial so speedily anyway ? Why rush through life ?
Why are you interested in consulting? Why Bain in particular?
Would you recommend your friends visit there, why or why not?
你会不会向你的朋友推荐去那玩, 为什么?
Does anybody know why Aaron Brooks was a DNP against the Hawks
有人知道对这场比赛抗老鹰的, 布鲁克斯为什么没出场吗?
Wait a minute. I know why I'm being such an ass. Why are you ?
A bell to ask why the police do not run, why do not the police.
If happy bluebirds fly Beyond the rainbow Why, oh why can't I ?
Does anybody know why Aaron Brooks was a DNP against the Hawks ?
有人知道对这场比赛抗老鹰得, 布鲁克斯为什么没出场吗?
Why are you so ungrateful and why do you never listen to adults?
Sister, why oh why do we at times mistake a pimple for a cancer?
Why am I alive, and why are all my friends dead?'I asked myself.'
After why bathing can after why bathing, nose needle feel crawly ?
Why should you be beaten anymore? Why do you persist in rebellion?
你们为什么屡次悖逆, 还要受责打吗?
That's why your father backed off, and that's why you'll back off.
Why don t you want to go to cinema 2. Why does he dislike dolphins
求1。你为什么不想去看电影 2。他为什么不喜欢海豚
Children cold has a fever appropriate is chosen why medicine, why ?
儿童感冒发烧宜选何药, 为什么?
So why, why are so many billions still stuck in such harsh poverty?
That's why I have to dull my brain, that's why I've taken to drink.
我想把我的脑筋弄得糊涂一点, 所以我近来常常吃酒。
Why the sweet breeze and golden moon turns bored to them?Why ?Why ?
为什么甜蜜的微风和金色的月亮突然变得乏味起来了? ?
Why is life always so flimsy Why are we always insufficient adamancy
Why would The Bible possibly tell us to do this? Why would God care?
为什么圣 经要这样告诉我们?上帝为什么在意这些?
But why did he die on Longshan Island and why was this temple built?
Why had the Roman Empire grown and why had it so completely decayed ?
Why are we doing all of these missions and why are we exploring them?
Krishnamurti Why am I or why are you callous to another mans suffering

单词 why 释义

  • 单词释义:(用于问句)为什么;为何;(反问,表示不必)何必;(说明理由)为什么  [更多..]



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