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单词 whiten 例句大全,用单词whiten造句:

Eliminate cellular metabolite, soften horny layer, revitalize and whiten your skin.
清除皮肤细胞代谢产物, 软化角质层, 令肌肤新生嫩白。
The new yogurt formula, whiten and moisturize skin with outstanding cleaning effect.
Bean sprout can prevent the formation of flecks and dark pigmentation and whiten the skin.
豆芽可以防止雀斑, 黑斑, 使皮肤变白。
Bananas are yellow, but surprisingly enough, they can help whiten your stained yellowish teeth.
香蕉是黄色, 它竟能美白黄诟得牙齿。
Fighting becomes unnecessary unless the light is glaring enough to whiten the black in our eyes.
Fresh lemon juice and natural oceanic salt can purify and whiten skin, and remove aged horniness.
Use professional cold light to whiten and treat acheomycin teeth, dental fluorosis, teeth staining.
Scour off the pigment rubbish cumulated on the coat Dispel rapidly the pigment Whiten the skin instantly.
The naturally occurring alpha hydroxy acids will help to gently whiten and brighten and leave you looking good.
天然的 羟基酸的产生会帮助牙齿亮白,让你更神采奕奕。

单词 whiten 释义

  • 单词释义:vt.使白,变白,刷白,漂白;vi.变白  [更多..]



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