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单词 writer 例句大全,用单词writer造句:

She used to be married to an actor,but now she keeps company with a famous writer.
Writer Jin Yong A Conscious Adherent with Aesthetic Charm of a Traditional Culture
The writer absorbed in his writing that he forgot to flick the ashes from his cigar.
作家全神贯注地进行写作, 以致于忘了弹去雪茄烟的烟灰。
American writer whose works examine the relationships between Europeans and Americans.
This article was written by a late Malayan Chinese writer who was active in the 1920 s.
The writer was absorbed in his writing that he forgot to flick the ashes from his cigar.
The writer was so absorbed in her work that she did not hear her visitor enter the room.
He believes that a writer will often find himself through exposure to some other writer.
Qin Mu is acknowledged as a unique and famous essay writer in contemporary literal world.
The writer is a conflicted being who longs for closeness with others while staying aloof.
In this part, the writer discuss the value orientatin of education of love systematically.
The writer was so absorbed in his writing that he forget to flick the ashes from his cigar.
Strunk and White put it well The sober writer will abstain from the use of this wild additive.
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This book is copyright protected so no adaption should be made without the writer's permission.
In the last part, the writer designed the remedy system of the coercive execution of administration.
Hence a writer feels a maternal affection toward his literary product as a mother feels toward her baby.
发表之后, 又自诵自喜, 如母牛舐犊。
The reasons why the writer thinks it reasonable for them to accept amnesty are also analysed in the paper.
The writer testifies that Tunglin was not a political party and expects an academic contention of thoughts.
The writer is comptroller general of the United States and head of the US Government Accountability Office.
I can't agree with the letter writer who claims bringing back the death penalty would be an abuse of human rights.
Absolutely not, he said, 'Let it all hang out, 'and whatever form the sentences take will reflect the writer at his most natural.
None of these officials were named, but the letter writer cursingly accused them of collaborating against him in an extortion plot.
They show the writer did not die from the adverse effects of alcoholism. Nor did he suffer from Parkinson's disease, as previously reported.
What could finding her remains change to the charm of Leonardos painting To look for her bones seems a sacrilege to me, said one of them, actress and writer Natalia Strozzi.
He was helped to an understanding of the role by writer-director Randall Wallace, who compared the character to South African President Nelson Mandela, who spent many years in prison.

单词 writer 释义

  • 单词释义:作家;作者;撰写人;写字…的人  [更多..]



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