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单词 written 例句大全,用单词written造句:

There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written or badly written.
Xixuejiyanxumu, which was written by Ye Shi, was an important academic work in the Song Dynasty.
The information provided shall be deemed correct and accurate without any prior written consent.
Can makes the accurate judgement and the reply to the written form English material and the news.
If it is groundless, it shall not be accepted, and a written notice shall be sent to the applicant.
a rate of payment for written material that is measured according to the number of lines submitted.
The fatigue accumulative effect for reading workload was stronger than that of written calculations.
A statement of all amounts written off is submitted to the Board of Auditors with the annual accounts.
各种注销数额的报表, 与年度决算一并提交审计委员会。
They have written me a letter, replying to the question I had written to Chinese Dramatists Association.
And of course attendance and regular completion of the assigned written work is an absolute prerequisite.
Living conditions and other aspects of accommodation shall be agreed upon in a separate written agreement.
Each batch of secondary standard should be periodically requalified in accordance with a written protocol.
French and English fluently, written and spoken Fluent oral English and good knowledge of written English.
Accounts on Seclusive Ci Written by Adherent Ci Writers of the Southern Song Dynasty in Early Years of Yuan
The assets identified will be disposed of and written off in accordance with the UNOPS Financial Regulations.
As long as proper written accounts are maintained, everyone can be paid back when the band begins to make money.
Proof of authorisation shall be furnished in the form of a written Power of Attorney which shall accompany the tender.
Proof of authorization shall be furnished in the form of a written Power of Attorney which shall accompany the tender.
授权证明应按书面委托书的格式提交, 并应附于投标书中。
Nomination for the Award can be made at any time subject to written justification and confirmation of such achievements.
只要成就被书面证实和确认, 任何时候都可提名该奖。
She will also invite the taxpayer to submit written representation with regard to the proposed additional tax assessment.
There are written regulations in the unit that the leader's personal expenses shouldn't be registered in the account book.
Written requests for extension of payment together with relevant documentation will be considered by the Academic Registrar.
abstract objective This thesis is written to discuss the nursing implementations for extremity fractures and their effectiveness.
And the rest of the acts of solomon, and all that he did, and his wisdom, are they not written in the book of the acts of solomon?
所罗门其馀的事, 凡他所行的和他的智慧都写在所罗门记上。
She is accepted as one of folk artists written into the collection of largescale literature annals for Chinese21 century in2005 Chinese folk Art.

单词 written 释义

  • 单词释义:书面的;写成文字的;明显受到…影响;(感情)全挂在脸上  [更多..]



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