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单词 whenever 例句大全,用单词whenever造句:

The dream returned again and again, whenever she went to sleep with an empty stomach.
她凡是空着肚子去睡觉, 总都要做这样的恶梦。
Whenever I met Zillah, the housekeeper, in the village, I used to ask her abut Linton.
Whenever she feels wronged by others, she punches her doll, taking out her anger on it.
It was also agreed that he would be allowed to retire from the voyage whenever he liked.
他们还同意只要达尔文本人喜欢, 他可以随时退出航行。
Why are you always taking out your handset and clicking aimlessly whenever you are free?
However, whenever they went down the mountains, they saw the good alcohol and grass shoes.
可是, 他们每次下山, 都看到那些美酒和草鞋。
Therefore, whenever we express gratitude, we align ourselves with the power that heals us.
Enumeration is useful whenever a third state is needed in addition to the two states of the
If possible avoid all alcohol. Whenever you any bleeding, come immediately to the hospital.
如果可能应戒酒, 若再有出血马上到医院来。
We never get the bare facts, anyway, whenever we seek to discover the truth about the past.
Whenever possible,a police officer should obtain a warrant prior to making an apprehension.
Enumeration is useful whenever a third state is needed in addition to the two states of the.
Whenever possible, the simplex method is specialized to take advantage of problem structure.
任何时候, 只要可能, 利用问题的结构, 将单纯形法特殊化。
Whenever possible, a police officer should obtain a warrant prior to making an apprehension.
警官在执行逮捕之前, 凡是可能的, 都应事先取得逮捕证。
Whenever appropriate, provide quality treatment for drug addiction, instead of incarceration.
It must always accompany the horse when traveling and be available for inspection whenever required.
当马匹出外时须随时携带此文件, 以备随时的检验需要。
Additionally, stamina is partially restored whenever the assassin fells an opponent with a backstab.
Whenever anyone died destitute and alone in the county, Hilary paid for the burial in his cemetery.
Simplifying assumptions are introduced whenever expedient, and generalizations are made whenever practical.
Whenever there is a confrontation between logic and aestheticism, the latter is always at an undue advantage.
Whenever you load a new file or application onto your computer, immediately pass it through antivirus software.
Whenever I saw her, my gaze lingered, sometimes into a stare that would have embarrassed me had anyone noticed.
In the days of the agrarian reform, we consulted the masses whenever problems arose in order to straighten out ideas.
Whenever we talk in ordinary language of seeking information or gaining knowledge, we understand the words as connected with absolute novelty.
Even with his busy schedule, my husband is always there to pick me up and drop me off at the airport whenever I have a business trip. What a great husband! ♥

单词 whenever 释义

  • 单词释义: 无论何时;每当;任何时间(都行);不知什么时候  [更多..]



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