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单词 wherever 例句大全,用单词wherever造句:

Wherever there are network applications must require network forbiddance systems.
凡有网络应用的场所, 则必有网禁的要求。
Wherever the peasant associations are powerful, there is not a trace of banditry.
Opt for wholegrain bread, wholemeal pasta, and wholegrain rice wherever possible.
Wherever the decree is not carried out, the officials should be called to account.
有不奉行者, 罪其官吏。
Do not overload electric sockets with adapters. Use fused plugs wherever possible.
I ate with my hands, trekked on foot through mountain valleys, and slept wherever.
我用手取食, 徒步穿过狭长的山谷, 席地而睡。
Wherever she went she was attended on by a large number of followers and servants.
Because he worked in pantomime, the clown could be understood wherever he appeared.
由于他在哑剧, 小丑是可以理解的, 无论他出现了。
An RAs duties include ensuring student safety and providing assistance wherever possible.
Wherever all family members sleep the best is the right arrangement for you and your baby.
Pen's appetite for pleasure was insatiable, and he rushed at it wherever it presented itself.
We implemented a policy of arousing the masses to distribute movable property wherever we go.
That man is given to boasting and flattering, trying to secure personal gain wherever he goes.
这个人吹吹拍拍, 到处钻营。
A bribe is like a magic stone in the eyes of those who give it wherever they turn they prosper.
贿赂在馈送的人眼中看为宝玉, 随处运动都得顺利。
Wherever you arrive after completing a mission or quest is where you get the next primary quest.
到达了你完成的任务或探索地点, 你就接取下一个主线任务。
The dissemination of solar cookers, wherever appropriate, should also receive attention and support.
characterized wherever they're found in the world by what anthropologists called fierce egalitarianism.
这种群居形式 都被人类学家称做激烈的平均主义。
Wherever anybody else looks, look somewhere else, and go do something different, you know, and doing that.
Frame partition walls as you did the outside walls, again installing blocking between joists wherever its needed.
According to The Lament by Qu Yuan, one can feel at home wherever one goes as long as one can take things as they come.
Going through crisscross footpaths between fields, wherever our fingerprints reach, wherever the oldest presage will show.
Wherever possible, the amount in a cut where earth is being removed should be equal to the amount needed for a nearby fill.
and around the horses legs quarreled the pack of lean, nervous possum hounds that accompanied Stuart and Brent wherever they went.
Arnault has reined in expenses and, wherever possible, combined the production of his swank brands to create manufacturing efficiencies.
Wherever the earth trembles, five hundred kotis of jewelled flowers appear, each as beautiful and brilliant as a flower in the Land of Utmost Bliss.

单词 wherever 释义

  • 单词释义: 无论哪里;各处;在所有…的情况下  [更多..]



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