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单词 wholly 例句大全,用单词wholly造句:

It is our first attempt in exploring the Moon with technology wholly on our own.
Can you, yourself, Lizzy, so wholly give him up as to believe him capable of it?
丽萃, 你竟这样不把他放在眼里, 相信他会做出这种事吗?
But, as we now know, the change in investor sentiment was not wholly capricious.
Under conditions of a tabula rasa, a wholly new period of prosperity is to begin.
He was an exceedingly genial soul, this young man, and wholly free of affectation.
Suddenly I discovered that my ear was wholly intent on analyzing the mingled sounds.
The exhibitor must not relinquish or sublet the space allocated, wholly or partially.
Hydrocarbon solvents comprised wholly or primarily of aromatic hydrocarbon compounds.
It is an outpouring of the heart, breathing a wholly spontaneous and paternal intimacy.
We should get rid of greatpower chauvinism resolutely, thoroughly, wholly and completely.
我们应当坚决, 彻底, 干净, 全部地消灭大国沙文主义。
Undischarged means a primary cell or battery that has not been wholly or partly discharged.
On the following day, M. Madeleine appeared clad wholly in black, and with crape on his hat.
The technological progress in the manufacture of caustic soda from bittern partially or wholly
The wholly foreign owned enterprise shall be a limited liability company Amount of its total assets.
公司为有限责任公司, 其责任以公司全部资产为限。
Can a joint venture or a cooperative enterprise be transformed to a wholly foreign owned enterprise?
Half the undoing of the unsophisticated and natural mind is accomplished by forces wholly superhuman.
Information concerning the company applying for the establishment of a wholly foreign owned enterprise.
This aspiration can be every bit as strong as the ambition of a person acting for wholly selfish reasons.
It is the key to wholly raise the traffic organization levels and attain economic benefits with promptness.
The completion of the acquisition, medical supplies factory in Suzhou will become a wholly owned subsidiary.
本次收购完成后, 苏州医疗用品厂将成为公司的全资子公司。
Bolshevism was seen in the West as a wholly corrosive influence, inimical to social and political stability.
The differences in the children's achievements were not wholly explicable in terms of their social backgrounds.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
Income from contracted or leased operation of enterprises or social service providers partly or wholly funded by state assets
对企事业单位的承包经营, 承租经营所得
Wholly reducing bus interior noise level needs to consider multi paths by which several noise sources radiate sound into the bus.

单词 wholly 释义

  • 单词释义:完全地,全部地;十足,统统;专门;一并  [更多..]



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