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单词 assets account 例句大全,用单词assets account造句:

assets reduction account
Set up a trust account to conserve your liquid assets.
Be responsible for assets account and inventory check.
To analyze all assets and liabilities account with supporting work sheet.
Otherwise to manage or exercise control over the account or the assets thereof.
The's assets may not be held in an account opened in the name of any individual.
对公司资产, 不得以任何个人名义开立帐户存储。
Assets which do not really exist, but is enter as assets to balance the account.
不真正存在的, 但作为资产入帐使帐目平衡的资产。
The company has without income, have should make account book without fixed assets.
公司有无收入, 有无固定资产都要做帐。
Consideration in Adjusting Account Methods for Purchasing Fixed Assets in Debt in Colleges
Taking into account the revaluation of assets, higher than the actual rate will be smaller.
Therefore, the total volume of the account and its proportion in total assets will rise accordingly.
因此, 企业应收账款的总量和占企业总资产的比例必将上升。
To constitute integrated internal control system to ensure the integrality of account of company assets.
Balance the general account at end of every month, pay staff salary, make detail list of fixed assets, intangible assets and other fees.
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单词 assets account 释义

  • 单词释义:[经] 资产帐户,财产帐户  [更多..]



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