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单词 at last 例句大全,用单词at last造句:

At last, he turned to Mama and looked at her in a way that even frightened me.
最后, 他转过身来, 用一种令我恐惧的眼神看着母亲。
At last, Baobao Tuan was last performed. People played with bursting laughing.
The middle layer and the tapetum cells are totally absorbed as nutrient at last.
At last he began his inaugural address, his voice ringing out in the frosty air.
At last, I have to say this Children's Day next month is my last Children's Day.
By World War II, Commodore had at last become an actual rank in the Kriegsmarine.
至第二次世界大战, 准将已经成为德国海军的一个常设军衔。
At last, we propose the guarantee tactics abut JL Corporation's strategy implement.
She slogged away at economics for three years and at last she earned a Ph. D. in it.
她苦读三年经济学, 终于获得了博士学位。
At last the great day came and Tortoise was the first to arrive at the meeting place.
向往已久的日子终于来临, 陆龟第一个到达聚集地。
She did at last extort from her father an acknowledgment that the horses were engaged.
Mollycoddle them we, excessive connived at and, finally, at last they were overweight.
At last he decided to go up the mountain after her and asked the old man to accompany him.
Tom at last found a chance to strike back at those who had found fault with his latest book.
At last we can achieve to control and operate terminal auxiliary port and external equipment.
At last, an actual computation example is given to explain the specific process of this model.
The two neighbouring countries have at last reached an accommodation on their boundary problem.
At last he said that he would sign the charter at such time and place as the barons might name.
At last, the optimum line configuration is determined and the accuracy of pose estimation is increased.
At last, drained of all tears, she lay down on the couch and fell at once into a deep and exhausted sleep.
终于, 她的泪流干了, 精疲力尽, 躺在沙发上睡着了。
At last, taking into consideration of wind in ship maneuverability motion simulation has been accomplished.
At last, we do the secondary treatment to the candidate boundary set and then obtain more accurate boundary.
再对候选边界集进行二次处理, 得到比较精确的边界。
At last, an experimental system to measure acoustic velocity of seawater with the method of ARS is designed.
She was oppressed at last with the accumulation of beauty and knowledge to which she found herself introduced.
One day, I understand you at last.Everything you do , you do it for me, although you say nothing abut feelings.
一天, 我终于明白你做的所有, 虽然你从不曾谈感情。
At last, the relations among the error of estimation, the input SNR, and the number of accumulation windows are analyzed.
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单词 at last 释义

  • 单词释义:终于;卒;结果;算是  [更多..]



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