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单词 AS level 例句大全,用单词AS level造句:

As compared with optical level, digital level has novel reading principle.
同传统的光学水准仪相比, 数字水准仪原理新颖。
Mr Chairman, as you are aware, there has been contact at ministerial level.
An apotheosis can be defined as the exaltation of a subject to divine level.
一个尊奉为神可以被定义为, 一个主题升华到神圣的水平。
The properties of agent have reached the same level as Germany washing agent.
We will not stoop to the level of using human beings as bargaining chips ever.
我们永远不会降低我们的人格, 用人来作为讨价还价的筹码。
The executing time is also used as a factor for selecting decomposition level.
Do not overfill the pot as the water level must be below the level the basket.
But clearly there is no such thing as a safe level of cigarette smoke exposure.
但是很明显, 没有任何证据表明吸几支烟是安全的。
Debt issuance would also be suppressed as it leverages off the level of equity.
I'm as ambitious as the next man. I'd like to manage at the very highest level.
At this level, the system to be developed serves as the black box central actor.
在这个层次, 要开发的系统作为黑盒子中心的演员。
And as a result, it contributes to the control of boxing level training process.
Indent comment at the same level of indentation as the code you are documenting.
A condenser microphone always has the same output level as a dynamic microphone.
Premier Zhou Enlai's former residence is classified as a site at the state level.
Then a third level appeared. It included such items as automobiles and new houses.
于是, 便出现了第三档次, 它包括像汽车及新住房之类的东西。
There are also instruments known as noise meters which measure this level directly.
He could discern a dresser with a fair level of certainty, as well as a spare chair.
他能够分辨出一个梳妆台, 还有一把备用的椅子。
If the forward rate is on the same level as the spot rate, they are known as at par.
如果远期汇率低于即期汇率, 其差额叫做贴水。
Eeriness is not quite the same thing as comfort level, likeability or even strangeness.
I know you have strong determination and high endurance level as well as noble dignity.
The still water can keep absolute level and the carpenter uses it as the measuring tool.
The attached pro forma will be used as the tool to determine the level of accreditation.
The quality and level of services shall decline as well as the response time to queries.
As for the people, the question is basically one of education and of raising their level.
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