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单词 arrive for 例句大全,用单词arrive for造句:

It's terrible to hunger for news when the family's letters don't arrive
盼望音信而家书却不到,那滋味可真是难受 啊
Last Thursday, I was a bundle of nerves, waiting for my date to arrive.
Guan Yu sent soldiers to Shu to ask for help, but they failed to arrive.
The relief distribution for the earthquake victims will arrive tomorrow.
They were hedged in by a small crowd waiting for the the king to arrive.
They were hedged in by a small crowd waiting for the the king to arrive .
Yes.The important message is that the train for Beijing will arrive late.
She won't arrive until the afternoon. Let's skate for a circuit first now.
Yes. The important message is that the train for Beijing will arrive late.
The cargo will be sent by ship, and will not arrive for two to three months.
Best wishes for you husband and wifes conjugal love the hoary head arrive old
It's difficult for them to arrive at a decision without consulting the board.
This runt slumbers of arrive steady, dont worry to dont dine for rice at all!
这小东西睡的到稳, 一点也不担心没饭吃!
When you arrive for your interview, are you kept waiting with no explanation?
在你开始来面试的时候, 是否没有任何说明就一直让你等着?
Having walked for a whole day, we didn't arrive at the destination until dark.
我们走了一整天, 直到天黑才到达目得地。
Having walked for a whole day, we didn't arrive at the destination until dark.
我们走了一整天, 直到天黑才到达目的地。
Mike, Charles and Bill arrive at the hotel and ask the doorman for directions.
The groom will arrive first and wait with his retinue for the bride to arrive.
She may have missed her train, in which case she won't arrive for another hour.
她可能已误了火车, 要是那样的话, 再一小时她都不会到。
For domestic flight, you need to arrive at the airport one hour before departure.
Is there anywhere in particular we can go for a drink when Peter and Jenny arrive
Mary leafed idly through some old magazines as she waited for her taxi to arrive.
and you wait for your product to arrive in the post, which it nearly always does.
Is there anywhere in particular we can go for a drink when Peter and Jenny arrive?
Although it may seem hard to believe, many job seekers arrive late for interviews.
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