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单词 tumour 例句大全,用单词tumour造句:

Histological examination revealed the lesion to be adenomatoid odontogenic tumour.
Objective To investigate the effects of shark cartilage on tumour generation process.
Ovarian tumour already bosom, abdominal ascites, the circumstance after treating how ?
卵巢肿瘤已经胸部, 腹部腹水, 治后情况如何?
Tumour Treatment Should Adhere to Principle of Regarding People as the Dominant Factor
Diagnostic Significance of Combined Detention of Multiple Tumour Markers in Lung Cancer
Home reports 63, control for 20 years old more, amalgamative thymus tumour person 5.
Free tumour cells infiltrating stroma always lost basal lamina and were shortage of desmosome.
浸润间质散在的癌细胞常无基底膜形成, 桥粒减少。
ObjectiveTo detect the change of laminin in patients with malignant and benign thyroid tumour.
The role of colonoscopy in the management of 98 cases of suspected large bowel tumour is deseribed.
The role of colonoscopy in the management of 100 cases of suspected large bowel tumour is deseribed.
Objective To observe the clinical value of ultrasonographic guided puncture biopsy in bladder tumour.
The assumptive adherence of the tumour to the choroids plexus was probably disrupted by the haematoma.
Effectiveness of Diyu Shengbai tabella as adjunctive treatment in the radiotherapy of malignant tumour.
What does meningeal tumour symptom have Does the meeting in rehabilitation process affect intelligence?
脑膜瘤症状有哪些 康复过程中会影响智力吗?
The significance of tumour grade in predicting disease progression in superficial carcinoma of bladder.
Objective To evaluate the efficacy of laparoscopic surgery in the treatment of huge benign ovary tumour.
SenileThe person grows cancer easily to give birth to tumour, also be proliferous sex pathological change.
Uterine flesh tumour is congenital with on annulus has nothing to do, cause recrudesce to have very big concern.
These biomarkers are proteins that a tumour produces, or chemicals that help with the breakdown of these proteins.
This paper analyses the relationship between the causes of postmenopausal uterus bleeding and the malignant tumour.
Appear to concern a symptom differently according to not congenial tumour, but the show that has amenorrhoea more.
this tumour has an aggressive clinical course , with a high tendency for both local recurrence and distant metastasis.
若肿瘤干细胞被消灭, 则其余部分也会相继死亡。
Malign and lymphatic disease of meshy cell hyperplasia, abbreviation is malign and lymphatic tumour, visible at any ages.
恶性淋巴网状细胞增生症, 简称恶性淋巴瘤, 可见于任何年龄。
The Analysis of the Nagaimo Dioscorea batatas Decne Mucus By Pairs and the Research of the Resistance to the Brisk Feature of the Tumour
Objective To investigate its clinic manifestation, diagnosis and treatment of epithelial myoepithelial tumour of the tracheal, bronchus and lung.

单词 tumour 释义

  • 单词释义:肿瘤,肿块;疙瘩,赘疣  [更多..]



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