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单词 trillion 例句大全,用单词trillion造句:

Well, how much would the insurance company require in constant flow to cover that 64 trillion.
Our bodies have 33 trillion cells, trillion with a T. We're talking national debt numbers here.
出问题的可能性太多 我们这里说的是国债数量。
Because the cash prize, courtesy of a generous benefactor, was a 10 trillion Zimbabwean dollar note.
Currently, thousand trillion ether nets have already develop to become the essential network technique.
目前, 千兆以太网已经发展成为主流网络技术。
And do I even need to reiterate the oftrepeated quote that it will be the next Trillion Dollar Industry
即使这样, 我需要重申多次引用, 那将是下一万亿美元产业
If this crop to put on the production of vodka, we would have slightly less than 1. 35 trillion. bottles.
如果制成伏特加酒, 差不多有1。35万亿瓶。
Plus, the reduction amounted to under a hundredth of a percent of total bank savings of15.8 trillion yuan.
而且, 10月份减少的幅度还不到15。8万亿元额的万分之一。
In the whole year, forecast report couplet additionally in 4. 7 trillion kilowatt hour or so electricity use will.
中电联预测, 今年全年用电量将在4。7万亿千瓦时左右。
The nation is awash in cash, in part the domestic counterpart of its trillion dollars of foreign exchange reserves.
这个国家满是钱, 还有万亿美元外汇储备。
In November 2007, the amount in circulation of the highest value denomination notes was estimated at 69 trillion.
Mr. Reagans nearly 0 trillion in Federal and trade debt will be a ball and chain around the neck of economic growth.
Analysts calculated the abovementioned 1. 0 trillion loan demand may be able to resist the bank is currently facing a negative impact.
It has taken technology forecasters far too long to realize that the Internet will have a billion users and carry $1 trillion worth of e-commerce within a year.

单词 trillion 释义

  • 单词释义:万亿;兆;[英]百万兆;大量  [更多..]



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