Capsule globose, apex truncate or slightly emarginate leaf blade glabrous.
bracts obovate, glabrous or sparsely ciliate, apex obtuse or sub truncate.
苞片倒卵形, 无毛的或疏生缘毛, 先端钝的或近截形。
Perianth lobes usually 4, elliptic to widely ovate, apex acute or truncate.
花被裂片通常4, 椭圆形到宽卵形, 先端锐尖或截形。
Racemes subterete articulations of rachis transverse callus short, truncate.
总状花序近圆柱状轴的节横裂胼胝体短, 截形。
Truncate the transaction log after each checkpoint for the specified database.
Ovary inferior, ovate, apex truncate or with a membranous crown, sometimes septate.
子房下位, 卵形, 先端截形或具一膜质冠, 有时具隔。
Calyx bell shape, change is simple, topmost truncate or not apparent tine is cracked
花萼钟状, 革质, 顶端平截或有不明显齿裂
Capsule ribbed, middle often contracted, dehiscing at truncate apex by 4 or 5 pores.
花柱丝状蒴果肋, 中间通常收缩, 在截形先端4或5孔裂。
Leaves abaxially tomentose on midvein and lateral veins, basally rounded to truncate.
叶背面被绒毛的在中脉和侧脉上, 基部圆形的到截形。
Culm sheaths densely setose ligule truncate or acute blade narrowly linearlanceolate.
filaments glabrous. Ovary glabrous. Fruiting calyx minutely 5dentate to sub truncate.
An Abridged Truncate Life Table and Life Expectation of Workers in an Ordnance Factory.
This determines whether or not to truncate at a word boundary, or at the exact character.
Leaf blade abaxially nearly glabrous, base truncate, margin serrulate. Inflorescence dense.
叶片背面近无毛, 基部截形, 边缘有细锯齿花序紧密。
Leaves wide. Inflorescences densely villous. Corolla ca. 2 cm galea narrower, truncate at apex.
叶宽。花序密被长柔毛。花冠约2厘米盔瓣狭窄, 削去在先端。
ovary narrowly cylindric, truncate at insertion of style, ca. 8 mm, glabrous. Capsule not known.
子房狭圆筒状, 截形在花柱的着生处, 约8毫米, 无毛。
Leaf blade broadly ovate to suborbicular, 26 cm, base subrounded to truncate, rarely shallowly cordate.
叶片宽卵形到近圆形, 26厘米, 基部近圆形到截形, 很少浅心形。
Stigmas truncate, thickly margined on lateral sides and abaxially, shortly beaked in front, beak horizontal.
Drupe pearshaped, 35 cm, base narrowed into robust stipe, apex nearly truncate, slightly sunken in young fruits, persistent perianth and disk enlarging to more than 5 mm in diam.
核果的梨形, 35厘米, 基部狭窄成为粗壮的柄的, 胚乳油性。