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单词 treacherous 例句大全,用单词treacherous造句:

You dig a pit for others, GOD will a more deep, more treacherous pit for you.
你设恶计害人, 上帝会设更大, 更恶的计对你。
He is a treacherous and ferocious person who is prepared to intimidate others.
Jonathan leor before his death, for the king of treacherous blew the conspiracy.
Vargas plays the part of treacherous aristocrat who betrays his king and country.
In the Case of Sand, as in That of Woman, There Is a Fineness Which Is Treacherous
流沙象女人, 狡猾又奸诈
I see the wife misused by her husband, I see the treacherous seducer of young women
I see the wife misused by her husband, I see the treacherous seducer of young women.
The most treacherous attribute fluctuates, the most wisdom's checkerboard to decides.
With him at the helm, we are a hundred percent safe crossing these treacherous rapids.
And this amazing beach, accessible only by boat or a treacherous climb, is Grays canvas.
We need to take out powerful and treacherous court officials and regenerate the country.
我们要铲除权奸, 重整江山。
behind is full of treacherous interpersonal, climbing the difficult and competitive trap.
It was in the treacherous Bay of Biscay, however, where he nearly met with a watery grave.
But the wicked will be cut off from the land, and the treacherous will be uprooted from it.
惟有恶人必从地上剪除, 奸诈的必从其上拔出。
Join Lara Croft in a mythical journey, as she embarks on her most treacherous adventure yet.
Goku's search for the Basho fan leads him to a treacherous mountain that has a strange curse.
A treacherous court official that cheats a monarch is like a floating cloud obscuring the sun.
What were engaged in is radically individual a single file trudge through treacherous terrain.
A man can taste goodness from the fruit of his own mouth, but the treacherous feed on violence.
义人必饱尝自己口舌的果实, 恶人的欲望只有饱食强暴。
Third, aggressive, treacherous, selfish old woman has become the image of the family, who thought.
The spume and sea spray from the rising tide made the rocks along the beach slick and treacherous.
Subsequently, slandered by treacherous court officials, he was sent into exile by the King of Chu.
The sandbar at the mouth of Grey River is treacherous considered the most dangerous in Australasia.
The concentration of treacherous black holes made accidental discovery of the base an impossibility.
The righteousness of the upright saves them, but the treacherous are taken captive by their schemes.
正直人的义必拯救自己, 奸诈人必陷在自己的罪孽中。

单词 treacherous 释义

  • 单词释义:骗人的;不忠的;奸诈的;不可信的;有潜在危险的  [更多..]



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